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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4012

Chapter 4012

"Master Magaera! Quick, help US kill this centipede!" exclaimed Chester when he saw who the voice belonged to. 1

The timing of Master Magaera was impeccable, his arrival could not have come at a better time. Both parties were exhausted from the prolonged battle and this was the weakest the ancient poisonous centipede has ever been.

"All of you can stand back and watch as I slay this beast!" said Master Magaera, his booming voice ringing throughout the Five Poison Sect, his gaze was cold as he stared at the ancient poisonous centipede in front of him.

Master Magaera could not accept the fact, that he was trapped here by the ancient poisonous centipede and Skylar. If not for Chester, he might have already perished.

After making his recovery, Master Magaera knew that the first thing he had to do was to slay this beast.

All the surrounding disciples from the Five Poison Sect, took a deep breath as they saw Master Magaera rejoining the battle.

"Did he recover from all the damage we dealt in such a short time?"

"How is he so strong?"

"This is bad!" murmurs of the news quickly spread across the disciples.

Skylar too was shocked by Master Magaera’s speedy recovery. His plan was to first get rid of Master Magaera, with the death of Master Magaera, one of the best warriors of the Godly region, their spirit would be crushed.

However, Skylar could not have planned for the surprise attack from Chester's side and this had not only thrown his plan into disarray but also nullify his chance of killing Master Magaera.

Skylar was enraged by Chester and his army, his cold gaze betraying his intention to kill all of the people who dare oppose him.

‘All of these annoying Carters would soon be vanquished, but there are more pressing matters at hand,’ Skylar told himself. He must first make sure that the ancient poisonous centipede is safe from any harm.

Without any hesitation, Skylar ordered his disciples, "what are all of you waiting for? Charge them! Do not let them have their way!"

All of the remaining Five Poison Sect disciples heard their Master’s orders and immediately went to stop Master Magaera.

None of the disciples had the slightest chance of stopping Master Magaera. But they still had to follow Skylar’s orders.

Skylar knew that he was sending his disciples to their doom, but even the slightest advantage could be the key to saving the ancient poisonous centipede.

All the combined lives of Skylar’s disciple could not measure up to one centipede.


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