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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4017

Chapter 4017

All people present were also confused by the Archfiends actions, “ The Empress’ words are not without reason. The only thing he did after poisoning all of US was to kidnap the princess. Could it be that he has an ulterior motive?”

Even Daryl could not help but frown at how the whole situation panned out.

The crowd’s suspicion was well-founded.

The Emperor also fell silent as he racked his brain trying to figure out what is Antigonus’ motive.

Suddenly, the Emperor remembered the place where the fiends were buried, “Damn it, Antigonus is at the Fiend Sealing Mountain.”

A few million years ago, when the gods and the fiends were still duking it out, the god using their power herded the surviving fiends towards a range of mountains at the very edge of the Godly Region.

The last battle between the gods and the fiends was extra bloody, tens of millions of 0 fiends were struck down and even Antigonus’s body was destroyed. Left with a single shred of his soul, he fled to someplace outside of the Nine Heavens.

After that, the gods picked up the remains of the fiends they struck down and buried them at the foot of the mountain. The gods call the mountain the Fiend Sealing Mountain and they made sure that the mountain was well-guarded.

Even after millions of years, the mountain is still one of the forbidden places in the Nine Heavens, due to the overwhelming number of ghosts haunting the place.

When the people present heard that Antigonus was headed towards the Fiend Sealing Mountain, they were in a state of disbelieve.

Even the Empress could not help but ask, “Why would he go there?”

The Emperor took a deep breath and said, “Even if the fiends were defeated, their remains are buried under the mountain.”

“Under normal circumstances, there’s no way of reanimating the remains of something that died millions of years ago. However, Anitgonus’s blood has the ability to bring things back to life!” answered the Emperor.

Everybody instantly fell silent, even Daryl was shocked.

‘How could that be?’ thought Daryl.

The Emperor looked around at his subjects and continued on, “ Antigonus just got his physical form back, he is still far from his prime condition, that’s why he needed to use poison instead of killing me outright. That is also the reason she took my beloved daughter. To influence my decision-making by taking something I love. As for the teleportation gates, they are the only way we could have gotten any reinforcements.”

“Even if we were to get the gates up and running, it would take US at least 6 hours or more. Within that time, Antigonus would have enough time to go to the Fiend Sealing Mountain and reive his subjects. And by then, the Godly Region would devolve into

endless wars and violence, with no end in sight,” said the Emperor.


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