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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4021

Chapter 4021

Archfiend Antigonus gathered his full concentration into casting the Blood Sacrifice of Fiends. However, his powerful senses could detect the enemies approaching beyond the formation.

At the moment, Archfiend Antigonus detected thousands of Grand Weapons dashing toward him in full force. He was as calm as a frozen lake, his expression cold and filled with disdain.

Archfiend Antigonus was the only person who could cast the Blood Sacrifice of Fiends. Its power was terrifying. Even the Nine Heaven Emperor stood no chance against it, never mind the mere thousands of Grand Weapons.

"Stop! Don't go!"

Darryl’s expressions shifted. He gasped out loud as he turned around and glared at Grunt.

Darryl was at a complete loss for words.

'Grunt is so impatient. If he keeps up with that, it's just going to backfire,' Darryl thought.

Darryl wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Thousands of Grand Weapons perforated the Blood Sacrifice of Fiends formation in the blink of an eye. In that instance, 18 sticks of giant stone pillars erupted, radiating a beam of blinding light. Followed by that was the formation of blood-red enchanted barriers.

The thousands of Grand Weapons did not have time to react before they collided into the enchanted barriers. A wave of horrific, ear­piercing screech followed by red lava gushed mercilessly.

Thousands of Grand Weapons were annihilated in an instant under the enchanted barriers; not a single one was spared. Their fairy souls were destroyed, and it rendered them completely desiccated as their bodies collapsed onto the ground.


Darryl and the rest of the surviving Grand Weapons gasped in terror upon witnessing the scene before them.

That was too horrifying.

Darryl watched Archfiend Antigonus, who was floating in mid-air, as fear paralyzed him. His eyes filled with a myriad of emotions.

As deserving of Archfiend Antigonus—the supreme of the fiend race—what an aberrantly petrifying power he possessed. It was no wonder that the Nine Heaven Emperor wanted to channel everything he had to fight against him. If he were to resurrect the hundreds of thousands of troops under him, the whole of the Godly Region, even the Nine Mainland, would fall into utter mayhem.

No matter what happened, he must not succeed.

Darryl took a deep, heavy breath. His eyes were locked on the 18 sticks of gigantic pillars. He was in deep contemplation as he tried to figure out a way to solve it.

Even though Grunt had predicted the ending, the sight of the explosive power of the blood-red enchanted barriers still sent chills down his spine.

Shaken with terror, Grunt asked hurriedly, "What do we do now, Prince Consort?"

Darryl was preoccupied, fully concentrating on the Blood Sacrifice of Fiends formation before him.

After about ten seconds, Darryl seemed to have found an answer.

"I think I've figured out a way to break that," he said to Grunt.


'F*ck! That is Archfiend Antigonus' formation by Archfiend, but he managed to solve it so easily?' Grunt was shocked and irritated at the same time.

However, Grunt did not let his true feelings slip. He put up a face of admiration instead. "That's truly impressive, Prince Consort.

Being able to find out the stone pillar's weakness in such a short amount of time."


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