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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4020

Chapter 4020

Archfiend Antigonuswas floating mid-air, and a violent surge of energy exited his body. All of a sudden, the weather on the mountain changed. The previously clear sky was now filled with dark clouds and rolling thunder,

The energy combined to form 18 black dragons that immediately dove into the ground.

After the dragons entered the ground, the earth started trembling with each passing moment, the trembles grew stronger. Not long after, the whole mountain was shuddering, and it looked like the apocalypse.

The violent tremors continued on for about 10 minutes and finally ended when spires erupted from the ground. The spires were gigantic, they were almost a hundred meters tall and were a few meters wide.

Archfiend Antigonus immediately darted above the spires and slashed his own wrists open. His blood instantly spurts out onto the spires below him. With his blood trickling down the spire, strange runic symbols started to gleam with an eerie glow.

Archfiend Antigonus was preparing for the renowned formation known only to the fiends, the Blood Sacrifice of Fiends.

The blood continued trickling down into the ground, causing the whole area to be filled with a feeling of dread and horror.

Not only was the ground affected by the blood, the clouds too turned an eerie shade of red.

At the same time, both Daryl and Grunt were flying over to the mountain with a few thousand troops behind them. 1

Just as they were about to enter the mountains, they were greeted by the low-hanging red clouds that surrounded the mountains.

Not only did the clouds shock them, they too saw the 18 towering spires which were connected to each other via thin red lines that seemed to lead to a being floating mid-air. The being emanated an aura of intense horror.

He was no other than Archfiend Antigonus.

Both Daryl and Grunt were reasonably shocked by this image.

Even if they had already guessed Archfiend Antigonus’s plan was to revive his subordinates, seeing it for themselves still hits different.

“Prince Consort, the fiend seems to be absorbed in his ritual, this is prime time for US to sneak in and attack him, ” suggested Grunt.

Daryl steeled his gaze and shook his head, “There’s no need for US to act so rashly. We still have no idea what these spires do.”


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