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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4041

Chapter 4041

As they watched more and more of their fellow soldiers fall into the holes, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers grew panicked by the second.

No one noticed a figure sprawled out on the ground near the blood formation. He had also fallen into a hole that had opened up.

It was Darryl, and he was unconscious.

During his attempt to enter the blood formation, Grunt had betrayed Darryl. Overwhelmed by the forces of the blood formation, Darryl had fallen unconscious immediately.

Darryl, upon passing out, lay sprawled by the stone totem next to the Gate of Life.

Archfiend Antigonus had been busy focusing on the blood formation. Sensing that Darryl had been knocked unconscious, Archfiend Antigonus had not bothered to check it further. Then, Master Magaera showed up, and the attention was shifted further away from Darryl.

Over in the middle of a dense forest, not far from the Sealed Fiend Mountain.

In the thick of the forest, no less than a hundred figures could be seen carefully making their way to the Sealed Fiend Mountain.

They were dressed in the strangest clothes, radiating with admirable strength.

Two beautiful women led them. The taller of the two walked with quiet elegance while the shorter woman charged forward with a sinister glint in her eyes.

It was the Demon Warriors.

Darryl had released them from where they were held captive to help him in his ambush on the Imperial sky Palace. It had been a fierce battle. The Ancient Ancestor had only managed to appear at the last second to stop the fight.

The Ancient Ancestor's had given Darryl the title of Nine Heaven Sage, and that had put an end to the rivalry between the Demon Warriors and the Godly Region. Following that, the white Tiger King and the Colouri Phoenix had led the Demon Warriors into building a home in a densely grown forest northeast of the Sealed Fiend Mountain with plans of rest and restoration.

The White Tiger King had decided to send out a small group of Demon Warriors to see what was happening in the Sealed Fiend Mountain.

The two women leading the group were the white Tiger King's daughters.

The older of the two was named Lia, and the younger was Mona.

Lia was an introverted and down-to-earth person. On the other hand, Mona was hot-headed and stubborn. The two were considered polar opposites of each other.

As they drew closer to the Sealed Fiend Mountain, they heard battle cries and anguished screams. Without sparing another thought, Lia gestured for everyone to stop.

"There seems to be a fight at the Sealed Fiend Mountain." Lia's brows were furrowed as she spoke slowly. "Perhaps Archfiend Antigonus has revived his subordinates?"

Mona responded, "We'll know when we get there to take a look for ourselves, won't we?"


Lia shook her head, her expression solemn. "We can't take the risk. It

Neither the Godly Region nor the fiend race were opponents they could take on. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Lia turned to address their subordinates behind her. "Men! Get to where they are through the ground, and find out what's going on. Remember to hurry and not get caught."


The subordinates began to cast their energy into a tunnel below them, disappearing into the ground toward the direction of the Sealed Fiend Mountain.

That traveling method was Earth Escape, one of all Demon Warriors' skills. It left no traces in the ground, creating an undetectable way of transport.


Mona could not help but feel exasperated toward the situation. "I want to go as well."

Lia did not even think twice about her response. "No, you shall not. The trip to the Sealed Fiend Mountain is very risky, and your fiery temper will get you in trouble. Be good, Mona, and stay."

Mona stomped in indignance at her words.


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