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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4042

Chapter 4042

In an instant, everyone else, including Lia and Mona, crowded over the figure.

"Who's that?"

"He's not one of the fiends, is he?"

The Demon Warriors were indebted to Darryl, and his reputation was near godly amongst the tribe. Lia, Mona, and their subordinates were all defense warriors.

Being on defense meant being a second choice when sending people out if a crisis ever struck the Demon Warriors. Instead of being on the frontlines, those people were in charge of protecting the senior citizens and children in the face of battle, bringing them to a safe place.

In other words, the defense warriors were what one in the Nine Mainland would refer to as a protector.

When Darryl led the White Tiger King, the Colouri Phoenix, and the frontline Demon Warriors out of their place of captivity, Lia and the rest of the defense warriors had been the last batch of people to leave. Following that was the ambush Darryl led the Demon Warriors on against the Imperial sky Palace, and for that, Lia and the defense warriors had been in charge of moving the tribe to a safe place.

One could say that Lia, along with the rest of the defense warriors, had heard of Darryl more than they had seen him. 2

On top of that, the man standing before them looked like a mess. His face was indistinguishable from the blood and filth that covered it, while his body was caked with dirt. Lia and the rest would never associate him with the great Darryl Darby.

Lia was the first to react as she snapped back to her senses. She exhaled lightly, turning to ask the subordinate, "who is that?"

Everyone's gazes zeroed in on the subordinate, curiosity all over their faces.


The subordinate scrambled to respond. "I found him while I was earth escaping. He looked very strange, nothing like a soldier, yet nothing like a fiend as well. I thought I'd just bring him back."

Lia fell silent as she thought to herself.

A few seconds later, she made up her mind. "Get him a Creature Soul Pill. Let's see if he wakes up."

The Creature Soul Pill was a special healing medication known only to the Demon Warriors. Lia was not sure if it would work, but there was no other choice. They had to try.

Lia was less than willing to use the pill on a complete stranger. However, the Sealed Fiend Mountain situation looked grave, and she had brought almost a hundred subordinates with her. Getting caught could render them as good as dead.

That person had been found at the Sealed Fiend Mountain. He was bound to know at least something about what was going on.

"Yes, High Lady."

A subordinate pulled out the Creature Soul Pill at the order and stuffed it into Darryl's mouth.


Mona looked highly displeased. She muttered, "Look at how banged up the guy is. The Creature Soul Pill is wasted on him. oh, and look at his clothes—even a beggar would dress better. I doubt he'd know much, even if he wakes up."

Mona barely spared Darryl a second glance, disgust all over her porcelain features.

Lia could not help the giggle that escaped her. In a gentle voice, she said, "How can you say such a thing, Mona? Even if that person knew nothing about what was happening at the Sealed Fiend Mountain, saving him might bring US good fortune."

What good fortune?

Mona could hardly believe what she was hearing, she opened her mouth to retaliate. However, at the look on her sister's face, she swallowed back whatever she was about to say.

"He's awake!"

Just then, someone cried out. Everyone turned to look at Darryl in an instant.


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