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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4061

Chapter 4061

The men in armor were impressive, but all of them were pale and in bad shape. They were the Grand Weapons and generals who were defeated at the Sealed Fiend Mountain.

The leader wore golden armor and looked exceptional, but there was a glimpse of exhaustion on his face. It was General Grunt.

Mona and the demons were relieved to see them. It turned out to be the Grand Weapons and the generals. It was a false alarm.

When Ancient Ancestor showed up, he resolved a grudge between the demons and the Godly Region that had lasted thousands of years. The grievances of both sides were over and that was why Mona and the demons remained calm when they realized it was the Godly Region.

However, Darryl's face changed. He was shocked and angry when he saw General Grunt from afar.

Previously, at the Sealed Fiend Mountain, Darryl had found the method to resolve the blood sacrifice. However, at the critical moment, General Grunt plotted against him. Eventually, he was rolled over by the energy of the formation, broke his leg and passed out. If it was not for General Grunt, Darryl would not be in such a bad state.

Darryl thought General Grunt would leave Sealed Fiend Mountain after plotting against him. Little did he know that not only did he not leave, but he would bump into General Grunt again so soon.

At that point in time, he was still unaware that the Godly Region had been defeated in the war below the Sealed Fiend Mountain and Master Magaera had no choice but to retreat. However, during the retreat, many Grand Weapons and generals panicked and mistakenly entered the forest. One of them was General Grunt.

When he entered the forest, he was just following his gut. Along the way, he bumped into many others who were lost and joined them. It started with more than a hundred people and it became almost a few thousand people.

Darryl was especially furious when he came face to face with his enemy. However, he remained calm and turned around before General Grunt noticed him. He then used the tree branch that he held in his hand to pick up some mud from the river bank and wipe it over all his face. Soon, Darryl looked like a black cat with mud all over his face and was unrecognizable.

As a matter of fact, he had not wanted to act so cowardly, but he had no choice. He was badly injured during the blood sacrifice and his fairy soul had not fully recovered. On top of that, one of his legs was also broken. If General Grunt were to notice him, he would be dead.

Then, Mona turned around and was startled when she looked at Darryl. "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing. Something fell into the river and it splashed some mud onto my face," Darryl said, chuckling as he made up an excuse.

'Serves you right,' Mona dissed him and motioned to her people not to move, she thought as long as her group kept the tree branches in their hands, the formation would still exist. Then, the Grand Weapons and the generals would not notice them, even if they were right before their eyes, like the fiend race warriors. However, she did not know that the Groot Formation required constant changing of positions in order to function.

At that point in time, General Grunt, the Grand Weapons, and the generals had noticed Mona and the others.

"Huh? Someone’s over there?"

"Looks like it's the demons..."

"Let's go and take a look."


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