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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4136

Chapter 4136

Morticia asked the question calmly, devoid of any of the frustration from before.

Indeed, she had placed Oliver in the room next to Darryl's on purpose so he would hear the conversation. That was all a ploy to pressure Darryl.

"What if I say no?' Darryl smiled bitterly.

Morticia's face remained emotionless. She said coldly, "I'd have no choice but to execute you then."

Darryl put on an expression of great troubledness. He bowed forward slightly. "Alright then, I'll join you."

Darryl appeared infinitely unwilling as he spoke, but he felt torn.

Darryl had thought it through. If he wanted to stop the fiend race from attacking the Demon tribe, the best thing he could do would be to join the fiend race. However, Morticia was no ordinary fiend and would surely suspect him if he agreed without hesitation.

He had to appear reluctant and make it look realistic.


However, Darryl’s answer did not make Morticia happy. Instead, she said lightly, "Isn't it a little too late forthat? You heard what happened just now.

I managed to get the Black Tortoise King's son on my side. More than that, there seems to be some bad blood between the both of you."

"I've already agreed to his requests. Taking you in after that would not do any good.’

Morticia spoke slowly and kept her eyes on Darryl's every expression.

Darryl scratched his head awkwardly but managed to force a smile." Wouldn't it be good to have as many people loyal to you as possible, Honorable Fiend Martyr?"

Morticia nodded. "You're not wrong. But Oliver knows where the new Demon tribe territory is, and he will be of greater help to US. It's all we need to take down the Demon tribe. What about you? What can you do for US?"

Darryl fell silent as he pondered that. "I might not be of much help in terms of taking down the Demon tribe, but I can help with taking down the Godly Region."

Darryl's face was the picture of sincerity as he spoke.


Morticia finally nodded. 'TH believe you just this once. Get some rest. I'll send my men for you when I need your help."

Then, she turned to leave.

As her footsteps went further, Darryl exhaled heavily. He sighed in relief.

Morticia was a cunning woman. He had to be careful from then onward.

Meanwhile, at the Demon tribe's new territory.

Reports of Mona leading a troop of White Tiger Warriors to teach Oliver a lesson and chopping off his legs spread like wildfire throughout the Demon tribe.

The Demon tribe was abuzz with conversation. Some said Oliver deserved it, and some said Mona was far too reckless and acted without thinking of the consequences.

At the White Tiger King's resting lounge.

The White Tiger King sat in silence, his face ashen.

Mona stood in front of him. Her face twitched slightly. She was clearly nervous. 1


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