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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4189

Chapter 4189

Lute Belle was speechless seeing him like this. She shook her head and smiled bitterly. 'I decided to give it to him, but he doesn't want it.'

Princess Dorothy was at a loss on how to react to the situation at hand.' What are you doing, Jade Immortal? She gave it to you for free, but you still insist on competing her for it?'

She was almost speechless. For someone as old as Jade Immortal was, he acted just like a child who liked to play tricks on others.

Lute Belle came to her senses and temporarily put away the Emerald Sky Pearl. She then looked at Jade Immortal and said with a smile, "Okay, so what do you want to compete me in?"

Jade Immortal mumbled to himself as he was smoothing his beard. He then turned his head and saw the two stony mountains not far away. His eyes lit up and he smiled. "How about this? Those two stony mountains are about the same size and height. We each have to use the immortal energy to carve our own appearance onto the mountains. Whoever does it the fastest wins.”

It was obvious that Jade Immortal was very excited about his proposal. He asked anxiously, "What do you think?"

Although he had lived for nearly 10,000 years, he always remained a child at heart. Something that seemed boring in the eyes of others was interesting to him.

Princess Dorothy's body trembled when she heard what Jade Immortal said. She turned to look at the two mountains. A look of helplessness appeared on her delicate face. Was Jade Immortal out of his mind?

The two mountains towered into the clouds. How long would it take for him to carve his appearance onto it? However, she had not yet learned that the ability of an immortal was far beyond her imagination.

Lute Belle seemed a little helpless when she saw how excited and proud Jade Immortal was over his own suggestions, but she still said with a smile, "Okay. It's up to you. You can choose your mountain first."

Jade Immortal was excited that Lute Belle agreed. He pointed at the one on the left and said, "I choose this one."

Lute Belle nodded. "Okay, I'll have the other one. Let's start."

As soon as she was done speaking, Jade Immortal shot up into the sky as a strong aura burst from his body. The power filled the sky in an instant.

’Thunder and wind..."Jade Immortal raised his head and shouted.

It was supposed to be a sunny day, but suddenly there was a violent wind that swept past them, and then dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky. Among the clouds were streaks of lightning tearing through the heavens, shocking anyone who saw it.

Princess Dorothy trembled with shock and almost could not stand firm. The strength that he had! What a powerful force.

It was the first time she had seen Jade Immortal displaying his true strength. Although he was an immortal, in terms of strength, she thought he would be a little weaker than the Nine Heaven Emperor. After all, the Nine Heaven Emperor was the ruler of the Godly Region.

However, when she saw that just Jade Immortal's words could easily trigger a strange phenomenon, Princess Dorothy's perception was suddenly changed.


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