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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4190

Chapter 4190

While she played the lute, Lute Belle recited a string of runes. "Smaller... Smaller..."

Princess Dorothy was surprised to find that the stone peak on the right seemed to have shrunk rapidly after Lute Belle recited the runes. In the end, the stone peak became so small it could fit on a human's palm.

Suddenly it flew away and landed on Lute Belle's hand.

She then took out an exquisite-looking jade knife and began to carve the smaller stone peak carefully. Lute Belle was not only beautiful and powerful but also smart. She gently moved her hands and quickly as she carved a beautiful figure on the stone peak with her jade knife.

Princess Dorothy was completely dumbfounded and filled with even more admiration. Was this the true strength of an immortal? It was unbelievable. No one would have believed it if they had not witnessed it with their own eyes.

Both Jade Immortal and Lute Belle had ways of achieving their goals which were amazing.

She quietly observed them on the sidelines and dared not blink in fear of missing something wonderful.

Ten minutes later, Jade Immortal was floating in the air, controlling lightning and constantly carving on the stone peak. Meanwhile, Lute Belle was holding the jade knife with a relaxed look on her face.

They were both progressing at almost the same pace, but Princess Dorothy noticed Lute Belle looked a little bit faster. If everything went well, the competition would end with Lute Belle as the winner.

Princess Dorothy sighed the moment she realized this. If Jade Immortal lost, he would not be able to get the Emerald Sky Pearl. Without it, it would be difficult for him to rebuild her fairy soul.

'Why did not he accept it when she gave it to him for free? Why did he insist on competing with her?’ Princess Dorothy complained in her heart.

Just as Princess Dorothy was feeling a little depressed, she saw Lute Belle stop suddenly. She saw that the stone peak in her hand had been carved into the appearance of a graceful immortal, but her feet were not well carved out yet.

'Why did she stop?' Princess Dorothy was rather confused.

Noticing Princess Dorothy's gaze on her, Lute Belle looked into her eyes and gave her a meaningful smile.

Princess Dorothy suddenly understood something. Lute Belle had planned to lose to Jade Immortal on purpose all along. She knew that he had a strong sense of pride. If she gave the Emerald Sky Pearl to him directly, he would definitely not accept such an offer. She stopped at the end of the competition, intending to lose.

After all, he needed the Emerald Sky Pearl very much.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the last few bolts of lightning in the sky, Jade Immortal slowly descended to the ground and laughed. "Success!"

He looked over and saw the stone peak on the left had been carved into the shape of an immortal. His facial features were so lifelike.

Just as Princess Dorothy was absorbed in her own thoughts, she heard a triumphant laugh coming from Jade Immortal.

Jade Immortal looked at the stone peak in Lute Belle's hand and said in a relaxed manner, "Lute Belle, I thought I was going to lose, but I didn't expect you to be a step slower than me."


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