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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4203

Chapter 4203

Ever since he had taken over a tangible body, his strength had gotten much stronger than before. Even though it was nowhere near his peak strength, he was still considerably skilled enough to beat Jade Immortal. Yet the last blow had not been enough to defeat him.

■Jade Immortal."

Amidst his shock, Archfiend Antigonus spoke coldly. "I can't believe your skill improved so much throughout the years. I must say I'm impressed." Then, Archfiend Antigonus rushed forward once again!

"Less talking, more fighting!" Jade Immortal scoffed as he charged forward without any fear!

In the next few seconds, two bodies zipped through the air. Archfiend Antigonus might have been too desperate in his first attacks, and he showed his weakness many times.

Jade Immortal would not give up the opportunity, and he used those breakthroughs to take down Archfiend Antigonus.

"Honorable Archfiend, we're here to help."

The twelve Fiend Martyrs, who had been taking a short rest nearby, charged forward with loud cries. They joined Archfiend Antigonus and surrounded Jade Immortal.

Jade Immortal did not feel scared. Instead, he cried out with excitement, and he laughed as he said, "I know you fiend folk haven't got much. Even fighting alone, you're no match for me. I don't think more of you will do much either."

Jade Immortal raised his hands. Clouds gathered above his heads, and the wind began to howl as the air twisted and constricted as if the world would end.

That was Jade Immortal's ultimate skill, the Reversal of the Universal Powers.

Jade Immortal showed his ultimate skill, and it threw Archfiend Antigonus and the twelve Fiend Martyrs slightly off guard. They stood no chance at all!

Meanwhile, at the other end of the battlefield.

When the fiend warriors attacked, Lute's delicate features did not shift at all. Instead, she began to flit around the army like a fairy, darting in and out of the crowd.

However, there were way too many fiend warriors. When a wave fell, a new batch would come charging forward.

Lute's expression remained calm, but she had begun to panic slightly.

That would not do.

If that continued, they would get to the girl sooner or later.

Then, an idea came to Lute. She ducked and soared into the heavens and drew the lute instrument from her back. She placed her hands onto it, strumming once.

A wondrous tune rang out instantly. As the notes traveled through the air, the atmosphere within a thousand-meter radius began to constrict.

"What's that trickery?"

'Trying to kill people with music?"

Many of the fiend warriors laughed at the scene. They thought Lute was playing a child's trick, devoid of any threat.

However, Lute did not budge at all. Instead, she continued to play.

The music notes seemed tangible as they weaved through the air in ripples, broadening by the second and enveloping the fiend warriors.

The tune that Lute played was her ultimate skill, the Heavenly Melody. The tune could not do any real damage, but it could mess up one's spiritual logic and consciousness.

"Argh, my head hurts!”


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