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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4266

Chapter 4266

Diego almost exhausted his energy with that palm attack. It was as if the air was torn apart. None of the disciples stopped Diego as they glared at Darryl with a cold look in their eyes.

'This guy wants to die. How dare he spit on Diego?'

'He deserves to die!'

'D*mn it.'

Darryl cursed silently and started to panic when he saw Diego's hand reaching for him. 'I was just reborn. It would be too unfair if I died from a palm attack.’ 1

He wanted to dodge the attack, but he was so weak he could not even get to his feet, let alone avoid an attack. Seeing the palm attack approaching his chest and Darryl hurried to raise his arms in front of his body. He knew it would not help much, but it was better than just sitting still and waiting for death.

At that moment, Darryl thought he was certainly going to die. However, as he raised his arms, the marks on his arms radiated and flashed red. Then, a strange energy covered Darryl. It was the Red Lotus Fayette energy that was hidden inside of Darryl's body.


At that moment, Diego's palm hit Darryl's arms and vibration was heard. Then, Diego moaned as he was thrown meters away and fell to the ground.

He struggled to stand up as the blood and energy within his body had been changed. His right arm that he used to launch the attack had suffered a fracture.

In that split second, Darryl looked at Darryl in shock. However, after saying one word, he spat fresh blood. "You..." 3

Diego was stunned. 'The mute had no cultivation base and internal energy, but he was able to throw me off. How did he do that?1

Amidst the panic, Diego passed out.

'That...' The few disciples who witnessed that scene were shocked.

'What just happened? Wasn't Diego about to teach the mute a lesson? How did he get thrown back?'

"Diego! A few seconds later, the disciples collected their thoughts and gathered.

Darryl stared at the marks on his arms in shock. 'D*mn. Was the red radiance the energy of the Red Lotus Fayette?' It's a rare treasure from the Godly Region that would only appear once in five thousand years. It's too powerful.'

As Darryl was silently shocked, one of the disciples pointed at him and shouted, "You... You monster! You're dead for injuring Diego."

Then, he instructed his peers and said, "Quick, report to the Sect Master."

At the main hall of the Sword Sect, there was a very peculiar throne at the top of the hall surrounded by various iron swords and inlaid with colorful gems. 3

An elegant middle-aged man was seated on the throne. Dressed in a long, dark purple gown, the man gave off a scholarly vibe but he exuded a strong presence. He was the Sect Master of the Sword Sect, Jedidiah.

At the lower right of Jedidiah's seat was a slender and graceful figure.


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