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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4302

Chapter 4302

Darryl passed down the Celestial Swordsmanship technique to Olive within a day.

Olive was incredibly gifted. She managed to learn all the movements in such a short amount of time. She had also thoroughly absorbed and understood the essence of the techniques. It was awe-inspiring.

Under Darryl's tutelage, Olive held onto her sword tightly and performed the last movement of the technique. As she waved her sword up in the air, dashes of bright, celestial radiance danced in the air.

Darryl nodded in satisfaction as he watched Olive's every move.

As expected of a gifted trainee, Olive was truly a genius as she could learn all of the Celestial Swordsmanship techniques within a day.

Master Ford South must be proud as he watched her from the heavens, grateful that his sword technique could be passed down successfully.

Olive had finally finished performing the last movement. Her face was flushed and covered in droplets of sweat.

’I'm exhausted," she said as she walked forward to the bench and sat down to catch her breath.

Olive looked at Darryl and asked excitedly, "Dart, how did I do?"


Darryl grinned and nodded. "You're incredibly talented. After some practice, I believe you'll be able to win against Sienna and Diego in no time."


Olive was exhilarated. If what Darryl said was true, she would not have to worry about being bullied again in the future.

Olive asked Darryl as she suddenly thought of something, "Dart, you're leaving tomorrow, right?"

Darryl paused for a second and answered, "Yes!"

Darryl had planned on leaving that night since he had already wasted so much time there. Even though he was still there physically, his heart and mind had long been in the Gaia Continent. He purposefully lied to Olive to avoid her getting sad over their farewell.


Olive looked dejected as she stared silently at Darryl. "Well then, will you be coming back anytime soon?"

Darryl smiled and comforted her. "Let's believe in fate. We'll see each other again very soon."

Darryl looked at Olive's dress drenched in sweat and said, "It's getting late. You should get back and rest."

Olive followed Darryl's gaze and looked down at her own dress. Her face flushed in red as she realized that her dress was drenched, and her curves were showing through it.

'Why did Dart look at me like that? Is he into me?’ Olive was flustered and at the same time feeling a myriad of emotions as she thought to herself.

Olive was getting progressively flustered as she lowered her head. "Alright, I'll head back now. I'll send you off tomorrow."

She left the scene hurriedly.

Darryl laughed as Olive left the thatched cottage. He sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to gather power from the Red Lotus Fayette.

Even though he had successfully gathered a new fairy soul, the Red Lotus Fayette's power had not been thoroughly combined.

Meanwhile, at an ancient forest the size of a hundred miles between the New World and the Great East border.

A Fallen Maple Valley within the forest was well-known for its amount of maple trees.

Since it was almost fall season, the whole Fallen Maple Valley was filled with maple leaves slowly turning yellow. It looked like a golden ocean from a distance, beautiful and magnificent.

Deep inside the Fallen Maple Valley was an obscured mountain cave.

Situated right outside the cave was what seemed like a temporary camp. Many cultivators were moving around the camp, sporting a dark green gown with the Five Poison Sect's logo embroideries.


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