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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4707

Chapter 4707

"You have to agree! If you dare to sneak away, I'll tell my mother what happened today and ask her to put your master in prison," Princess Sheila exclaimed arrogantly.

She was a playful girl. After that wonderful feeling she experienced, how could she let 'Finch' leave so easily?

Darryl was shocked and angry.

'This girl is really unreasonable. If I actually had a master named 'Barely Immortal', I'd make him suffer this time. Fortunately, 'Barely Immortal' is just a fake identity, and the name 'Finch' is also just a fake alibi,' Darryl murmured in his heart and pretended to be very hesitant.

Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

If he reverted back to the identity of 'Barely Immortal' tomorrow, he would just have to deny everything that happened that night.


Seeing that he agreed, Princess Sheila smiled and gave him a meaningful look. "From now on, you can live here and listen to my orders at any time. As long as you cooperate, I won't tell on you and your master in front of my mother."

Then, she opened the door and left.

At that moment, Darryl breathed a sigh of relief. The troublesome girl finally left.

While murmuring, Darryl then soaked in the wooden barrel for a while longer. Then, he put on his mask and took a rest.

On the second morning, Prince Aurin came to ask Darryl for advice.

During that time, Darryl taught Prince Aurin many secret techniques about formations. He was very smart and learned them quickly.

However, as the formations Darryl taught became more abstract, Prince Aurin could not understand much. So, he often came to Darryl to answer his doubts.

Darryl was very relieved upon seeing that Prince Aurin had such a thirst for knowledge. Darryl got up and explained everything he wanted to know. He finally understood the mysteries behind several formations by late afternoon.


Prince Aurin's face was full of admiration as he exclaimed excitedly," You're so powerful that you know everything. It is said that Emperor Fuxi is proficient in Chinese Metaphysics and has unprecedented attainments in the formations. I don't think you're inferior to him."


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