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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4771


At the words, the guards exchanged glances with each other, unreadable expressions on their faces.

There had been an order in the palace to take down anyone who called herself the Empress. It had also been highlighted that the woman in question was one of the Carters in disguise.

With that context, the head of the guards cast a glance towards Ambrose as he asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"Ambrose Darby!" Ambrose said calmly in response.

All at once, the head guard's expression shifted as he flared up in shock and anger. "So it's Darryl Darby's son! I've got it right, then. Come on, take these two shameless imbeciles down immediately!"

As the words rang through the air, the surrounding guards drew their long swords, rushing in Shannon and Ambrose's direction.


Under the circumstances, Ambrose frowned.

At the same time, Shannon could hardly contain her anger as she cried out, "How dare you fight the Empress. What is this, an uprising?"


The head guard scoffed, roaring, "The only people acting out of line here are you guys. The general already told us what happened in the palace when he returned— the Empress drowned while trying to take down the pirates."

"Also, the general already found out that someone from the Carters has been pretending to be the Empress, trying to turn over the forces of the South Cloud empire. These people are nothing but evil, and deserve no less than death!"

Here, the captain's expression was nothing but resentful. "I see now that the general was right all along! Thank heavens we realized early on, or we'd have fallen for your trap."

As the final word rang through the air, the captain did not waste his breath any further as he roared, "Take these two down now! Dead or alive!"

As the words rang through the air, more guards rushed over. They summoned their internal energy, striking at Ambrose and Shannon.

These bastards…

All at once, Shannon quivered with fury. She should have known that Zack was a ruthless, relentless man, and was sure to tell nothing but untruths once he returned to the palace. Yet she had never known that he would go so far.


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