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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5433


The next second, Prince Auten's blow landed onto the protective shield. It shattered instantly as Darryl let out a dull hum, flying through the air a little over ten meters before landing heavily onto the ground.


Darryl could clearly sense that his fairy soul was still intact, but it had very nearly been knocked out of place. His gaze on Prince Auten darkened as well.

How had he become this strong in a matter of days?

That couldn't be… it was important to note that Darryl had the protection of the Saber Saint, but that blow had almost knocked his fairy soul apart.

Ha ha…

Just then, Prince Auten could not hide his excitement as he jeered at Darryl, "How's that? I bet you didn't see that coming, did you?" As he spoke, Prince Auten felt the situation was a bit of a shame.

Had he been in his peak form, that blow would have been strong enough to completely wipe out Darryl's fairy soul. Yet he had wounded him anyways, which was good enough.

Darryl did not panic at the mocking one bit, staring at Prince Auten calmly. "Is that all you've got, Adam? Sneak attacks?"

"So what if you succeeded? Do you really think you're in control of this?"

As he spoke, Darryl got to his feet slowly as he silently readjusted his fairy soul with a cold expression on his face.

Darryl could not sense yet that the man before him was not the Adam he had met a couple of days ago anymore.

Ho ho…

Indignance flared in Prince Auten's chest at Darryl's mocking, but he managed to calm himself down quickly enough. "You're right. That blow wasn't enough to take you out."

"But do you really think that I've only got one Five Delusions Formation in this hall?"

As the final word rang through the air, Prince Auten raised his hand. A ray of bright light shot out, hitting a secret switch on the wall.

The next second, a series of rumbles could be heard as the corners of the hall began to shift. A few stone platforms began to rise, every one holding a deep purple crystal that radiated with a strong aura of nature.


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