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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Another Dose of Resentment 

Since Jessica forcefully arranged for Brittany to stay 

in that room, she took a leave of absence and 

stayed there without taking a step outside. It was 

her way of showing Jessica just how important she

as a secretary, truly was

Jessica, leading Daniel to the hostel door, gave him 

a look. Daniel, however, failed to catch her cue

What are you waiting for? Knock on the door!” 

Why should I knock?” 

You’re my assistant, aren’t you? Or should I knock 

for you?” 

Daniel: … 

Thump! Thump, thump

Left with no choice, Daniel stepped forward and 


Chapter 25 Another Dowel repentine cl 

The door swung open, and upon seeing Daniel 

standing there, Brittany was fuming

You piece of trash, what are you doing here? Here to humiliate me? Or perhaps to harass me? Let me tell you, even though this is a basement, and it’s 

usually empty, if you dare to touch me, I’ll call the 

police right away!” 

Daniel: … 

Brittany, haven’t you learned your lesson yet?Jessica’s voice instantly changed Brittany’s 


Jessica, II misunderstood. This useless guy 

came alone, how could I know his intentions? But 

since he’s with you, forget what I said just


Jessica remained silent but gestured with her eyes 

at Daniel, signaling for him to proceed as they had 

agreed in the car

Brittany, it’s not suitable for a lady to live in

basement like this. I forgive you. Move back to your previous room.” 

Yeah, as if I’d really believe you!” 

Brittany, he has forgiven you. Why the attitude? Do you want to keep living here?” 


Shooting Daniel a glare, Brittany begrudgingly 

bowed. Thank you, Daniel.” 

Daniel, help Brittany with her things,Jessica ordered

Yes, Jessica.” 

After helping Brittany move, she was finally back in her original place but this incident only added to her disdain for Daniel. He was playing games, and it irked her to no end. She underestimated him before

He had pleaded on his own behalf in front of Jessica, simply to make himself appear 

magnanimous and make her look petty

How dare this nobody play such games with her? He could not continue to stay by Jessica’s side. For 

now, she would have to tolerate him thanks to the good fortune that brought him Joshua’s help, aiding TMO in securing the project with Healthy Land and making him a person of significance beside Jessica


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