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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Eighty Million 

Jessica was getting a headache and scolded Brittany sharply, I’ll teach Daniel discipline, and it’s not your place to do so! You’re not his superior, and he’s not yours. You can’t control each other or bully each other! Both of you come with me; we’re going to Auctiq to find Nicholas Snyder. For TMO’s 

collaboration with Healthy Land, we need a considerable investment. That old fox cheated me out of my money, and we must get it back.” 

Nicholas isn’t an easy one; we’ve tried several times, already to get our money back without any success. I doubt this time will be any different; we probably 

won’t get a dime.” 

“We won’t know unless we try. Getting back any amount is better than nothing at all.” 

Someone dared to cheat Jessica out of her money

Daniel saw this as an opportunity to make a good 


Winning a woman’s heart requires patience and consistent effort. Every favor he did for her could make her a bit more appreciative. The more he did, the more she would owe him

Even if, in the end, she wasn’t willing to marry him, at least he expected she’d hand over The Sealed 

Dragon Grass as compensation

Ma’am Jessica, how much did Nicholas cheat you out of?” 

Eighty million!” 

Eighty million? How did he swindle you? I’ll make sure that old fox coughs up every penny, with interest!” 

Daniel’s claim was met with a cold laugh from 



With a face full of scorn, Brittany mocked him, You 

idiot, do you even know who he is? Do you know 

what Auctiq is? And you think you can make 

Nicholas return eighty million, plus interest?” 

Of course, I can.” 

If you can’t, then resign from Jessica’s side 

promptly! TMO needs honest people, not braggarts like you!” 

Brittany saw her chance to set a trap for Daniel

fool who didn’t know what he was doing could be 

easily ousted from TMO with a little ploy


Daniel agreed without hesitation, prompting 

Jessica’s irritation, Okay? Who gave you permission

to say okay? You’re my assistant, and unless I fire you, you don’t get to quit! And you better work on 

that habit of making empty promises

And Brittany, didn’t I ask you to get along with 


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