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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 The Power of Auctiq 

Nicholas’s words sowed a seed of doubt in Jessica’s mind. She knew that the owners willing to take the three forgeries had appraised them at around five million dollars. However, none of them were willing to actually purchase them for that price. The highest bid she received was 880,000 dollars, and the lowest was dismayingly at 180,000 dollars

Certain Nicholas knew something she didn’t, Jessica wanted to get to the heart of the matter

Indeed, not many dare to take them, but Smiley Nick, why do you 

assert that their offers won’t exceed one million dollars?” 

In our business, customer resources are a sign of strength. Those 

places don’t hold a candle to Auctiq because those owners don’t have 

the client base that needs these three forgeries. Even if they purchase, your items, they can’t resell them and will end up having to bring them to me at Auctiq. They are aware of my purchasing price I will only offer one million dollars. If they want to avoid losses, they can only acquire these below one million dollars. Nobody is a fool these days; no one will conduct business at a loss

My offer is 1.8 million dollars; if you don’t wish to sell, that’s fine. But if you return next time, I’ll have to treat you as an insider, and my offer will be one million dollars. I’ve said all I have to say. If you decide to leave, Jessica, then take your forgeries my business thrives on 


Jessica trembled with rage Nicholas had her cornered

Yet, what could she do

The forgeries were utterly useless to her. If they were genuine, worth even just five million dollars, she could at least have given them as gifts to her clients. Forgeries, however, even if appraised at fifty million dollars, could never serve as presents

While 1.8 million was pitifully small compared to eighty million, it was still money in hand. Jessica decided to take the offer. This would be the last time she’d suffer a loss at Nicholas’s hands; she vowed never 

to step foot in Auctiq again

Fine, one” 

Just as Jessica began to agree, Daniel suddenly stepped forward and interrupted her

Not even for a billion!” 

Brittany was livid, promptly pointing at Daniel and scolding him sternly, You worthless piece of trash, who gave you permission to speak while Jessica is conducting business? You’re just an assistant, a freaking driver. Don’t you have any manners?” 

I don’t want to do this either! But if I don’t speak up, won’t Jessica be sure, she is quite beautiful, but fooled again? This foolish woman she’s a bit dimwitted. Smiley Nick throws a few tricks her way and she’s completely duped! Selling items worth at least two billion for just 1.8 million?” 

Daniel’s words made Jessica wish she could slap him hard across the face. However, she withheld her anger

She was Jessica, a CEO who needed to maintain dignity; she couldn’t 


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