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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 468

"Professor John?" Avery inquired because she wasn't familiar with the name.

"Professor John is not only the dean of Harvard Medical School but also a world-class, Nobel Prize-winning physician. He has treated the President. If Professor John can't cure someone, then no one can." Down praised the professor effusively.

Daniel couldn't help but snort derisively and interjected, "The most powerful medicine in the world is not in his practice, but within our own USA's shamanic healing. Modern medicine is just scratching the surface. It's akin to butchery—cutting here, slicing there. Wherever there’s a problem, they use their surgical blades to cut it out. Though those methods may treat illness, they don't get to the root of the problem. Our USA shamanic culture pursues divine intervention. Our shamanic ways are a continuation of USA’s cultural heritage. Instead of just cutting and excising, we aim to eliminate the root cause of the illness."

Daniel's critique prompted Down to respond with a contemptuous laugh before sizing up the seemingly rustic Daniel. To Down, Daniel appeared unimpressive and unfamiliar—a clear outsider from a village.

Accordingly, Down turned to Avery and asked, "Avery, who is this country-looking fellow?"

"Just a country boy spouting nonsense. Pay no attention to him," Avery dismissed.

Down was Avery’s choice for a son-in-law—the future head of New York's top family, The Perkins, was a suitable match for her.

Daniel, however, took exception to this and quickly retorted, "Mom, your lack of conscience is showing. I just called you 'mom,' and now you're disowning me? The prettier the woman, the more fickle, they say!"


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