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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 The Marriage Arranged by Grandpa 

Do you need something else?Daniel inquired

You said my dad would also get hit by the curse tonight, didn’t you?” 

Your dad is a stinky man; I’m not interested in saving him!” 

That’s not acceptable! You must help!” 

Fine, if you insist,Daniel said with resignation. I already charged you five million. If you want your dad saved, you’ve got to fork over at least ten million.” 

As soon as Daniel finished speaking, he received a notification. Ten million had been instantly transferred 

by Isabella. Damn! It’s good to be rich

Let’s go then,said Isabella

Go?Daniel looked at her puzzled. Where are we going?” 

I’ve paid you; of course, we’re going to my dad’s place so you can lift his curse!” 

He doesn’t live with you?” 

Why would he live with me?” 

All alone in such a big villa?” 

Is there a problem with that?” 

What about your husband?” 

What husband? I don’t have a husband. I don’t even have a boyfriend.” 

Aren’t there arranged marriages in a family like yours?” 

Arranged marriages? How antiquated! How could there possibly be any?” 

Just as she said that, Isabella seemed to recall something

Wait! I actually do have an arranged marriage, set up by my grandpa. But that contract was torn up by my mom the day Grandpa passed away when I was little, so I don’t know who it’s with.” 

You don’t know who you’re engaged to? What will you do if they look for you?” 

What can I do? Naturally, I’ll deny it! My grandpa has been gone for so many years; any contract he signed is null and void. I’m not about to marry a man I’ve never even met! We’re not living in the Middle Ages. Our marriage is about freedom of choice! My marriage is up to me to decide. Not even my parents can dictate that, let alone my deceased grandpa. His soul will surely understand.” 

Do you know why your grandpa arranged your marriage?” 

How should I know? Maybe he was drunk!” 

Chapter 94 The Marriage Arranged by Grandpa 


I think it would depend on the conditions set at the time the marriage was arranged.” 

Conditions? The mere mention of conditions proves it was all set up haphazardly.” 

Why do you say that?” 

I heard that the only thing my grandpa had to offer was a plant called The Grass of Tamed Dragon.” 

The Grass of Tamed Dragon? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Do you have that plant here?” 


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