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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Rich Guy 

The two stepped out of the villa. When Isabella spotted a Panamera parked at the door, she asked, Your 


My boss lets me use it.” 

Your boss? Don’t tell me you mean your wife?” 

I’m an assistant at TMO.” 

You said you were married earlier; was that a joke or serious?” 

It’s a fake marriage.” 

Fake marriage? What does that mean?” 

It means I’m married to a woman, but we don’t have a real marriage relationship. We’ve agreed to a timeline of one year, and after that time has passed, we’ll get a divorce.” 

Why would you have a fake marriage?” 

To fulfill a promise made by our grandparents!” 

You’re selling out your emotions!” 

No! We’re honoring our elders by fulfilling the promises they made.” 

Isabella’s mind raced, speculating, The person you’re faking the marriage with, couldn’t be your boss

could it?” 

Yes! It’s her!” 

No wonder she gives such a nice car to an assistant!” 

Isabella opened the passenger door and sat down, then said to Daniel, Let’s go! We’re heading to


W Hotel? You have your dad staying in a hotel?” 

The hotel was recently acquired by our family.” 

Huh, rich people.” 

If you fix my dad up, how about I buy you out and you can be my assistant?” 

Why would you do that?” 

Because I’m very rich!” 

Daniel: … 

Half an hour later, they arrived at the top floor of W Hotel, which housed only one suite the presidential suite where Chris was staying

As they approached the room, a stillcharming woman blocked their way. She was Sophia Evans

Isabella’s stepmother

Where’s dad?” 

Oh, now you care about your dad? His heart condition suddenly flared up, he almost died.” 

Then why aren’t you at the hospital?” 

Do I need you to tell me what to do? I’ve already summoned Florida’s number one doctor, Elysian Yu, to 

treat him.” 

You mean River? Let me in to see!” 

Isabella tried to enter, but Sophia put a hand to stop her


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