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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 I Don’t Need Money 

River, in his white robe, walked out the door. Sophia approached River anxiously and asked, Elysian Yu

how’s my husband?” 

Luckily he met me, otherwise Chris definitely wouldn’t have ended up well!” 

Thank you, Elysian Yu!” 

Sophia thanked him, then entered the room, with Daniel and Isabella following

After River’s treatment, Chris, who had previously been unconscious, was now awake and even sitting up 

on the bed’s edge

Honey, are you alright?Sophia asked with a coquettish concern. You scared me to death. If anything 

had happened to you, I would die too!” 

Heh!Isabella couldn’t help but let out a scoff. You, die? If Dad actually had an accident, like hell you 

would die! You’d fight me for The Evansestate!” 

Isabella, mind your language!Chris scolded his daughter

Every time you take this cheap woman’s side, I think she really has clouded your judgment!” 

Get out!” 

I will not!” 

Chris had no way to deal with his daughter, so he just turned to thank River. Elysian Yu, you’ve saved me 

twice in one day and are my lifesaver. Sophia, go fetch my checkbook.” 

Sophia brought the checkbook, and on a check, Chris wrote an amount of fifty million dollars, then tore it out and offered it to River. River glanced at the check but didn’t reach out to accept it, calmly refusing

As a doctor, I treat and cure people, not for the sake of money.” 

Elysian Yu, you’ve saved my life twice, and I owe you. I won’t be at peace if you don’t accept.” 

I absolutely cannot accept money. If I took it, it would dirty my hands. However, I heard The Evans have a The Grass of Tamed Dragon. It’s a miraculous plant, rather useless staying with The Evans. I was hoping 

you could let it serve its purpose by giving it to me.” 

The Grass of Tamed Dragon

Chris furrowed his brow. He pondered for a while and then shook his head: I’ve never heard of The Grass 

of Tamed Dragon. If I really had it, I would certainly give it to you.” 

Chris was only pretending not to know about the plant. He certainly knew about The Grass of Tamed Dragon and that it was in the hands of his exwife, Ava. However, his statement wasn’t entirely false

Having been divorced from Ava for a long time, The Grass of Tamed Dragon was in her hands, which definitely didn’t belong to The Evans

Chapter 961 Don’t Need Money 


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