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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 572

ere discussing something unrelated to himself

Chapter 572 

However, the sarcasm in his eyes was anything but subtle. Cedric’s courage to remove those unfavorable to him from the board, even if it meant kicking out his son, and bringing in the ambitious Hel family, deserved commendation

Eugene’s words provoked Cedric and he slapped the desk angrily, glaring back at his son. He pointed his finger at him, chest heaving as he roared, What nonsense are you talking! Do you think there’ll still be a place for you once the He family takes over all the shares? And don’t think it’s because of someone else that they gained power! It’s all because of the mess you created at LeapCo!” 

Eugene’s expression remained icy. Apart from workrelated matters, there was almost no normal communication between him and Cedric. Interests trumped everything for Cedric, even his own son

I will secure a partnership with the Oskon market. I will also address the troubles at LeapCo that headquarters brought up,Eugene replied, although his tone was not as oppressive as Cedric’s, it still carried a deep sense of coldness. You better!Cedric vented before slowly calming down and sizing up Eugene. After a moment, he suppressed all his emotions and asked in a calm tone, I heard you previously sponsored a charity center with Theodore.” 

Eugene suddenly looked up, his dark pupils carrying an undeniable chill

Cedric snorted coldly. I heard you also sponsored a little girl. Engaging in charity can enhance our social image, but it’s better to be careful when it comes to selecting beneficiaries. I heard the child’s parents are currently being held in the police station. Wasn’t it Melanie who reported them?” 

He looked at Eugene with a meaningful gaze

With the increasing workload at Burning Star, Melanie’s professional knowledge grew. Though she was not yet a fullfledged professional, she could provide good feedback on clientscommon professional issues

Slowly, Xander began delegating all the business matters to her. Melanie dedicated all her time outside work to learn. Reny and Yvonne were surprised by her enthusiasm. Yvonne joked, If I didn’t know you were working, I would think you’re preparing for postgraduate entrance exams

Melanie paused, her mind pondering for a moment. Parttime graduate studies do seem like a good idea. It allows for a more systematic learning approach,she said finally

Chapter 572 

Yvonne was speechless. I was just making a joke. Why are you taking it so seriously?” 

Melanie replied, I just think your idea is quite good.” 

Yvonne waved her hand, indicating she did not want to talk anymore. Xander happened to enter with a glass jar that he placed directly in front of Melanie


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