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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 600

Chapter 600 

Fuller called the place a laboratory, but there were only a few large tables in the room covered with various models and wires

Melanie concentrated on the progress bar, trying her best to ignore Eugene’s 


However, she could not completely block him out. The sound of Eugene flipping some paper from time to time echoed in her ears exceptionally clearly

Melanie looked at the progress bar on the computer. It was only onethird of the way through

Just as she was about to get up and take a break, she suddenly heard a sound outside the door

The door to the laboratory was closed, and the entire room was sealed off because they were worried that external factors would affect the various models inside

Therefore, the sound outside the door was especially conspicuous

Melanie instantly looked up in the direction of the door, only to hear Eugene say in his hoarse and deep voice. Don’t move. I’ll go take a look.” 

Inexplicably, Melanie was suddenly reminded of that afternoon when she felt as if someone was watching her from behind

For some reason, she subconsciously wanted to remind Eugene not to go. However, before Eugene could reach the door, the entire laboratory suddenly turned dark

Melanie’s nightblindness instantly overwhelmed her, and her vision went dark

Her heart began to race. She stood rooted to the ground, not daring to move

The next second, a beam of light lit up a corner of the room not far away. Eugene held 

up his phone as he walked toward her. I think the circuit tripped.” 

“Why would it trip?” A lab like this should take utmost care with their hardware. Regardless, the light brought Melanie instant relief. Like Eugene, she turned on the flashlight function on her phone and placed it on the table

Eugene took a few steps over and stopped beside her

The scent of pine on his body somehow steadied Melanie’s uneasy nerves. She looked at Eugene and could not help herself from asking, You heard the noise just now too, didn’t you?” 

Chapter 600 


Eugene’s eyebrows twitched. Maybe it’s just the wind.” 

Melanie did not say anything. She had a feeling that something was fishy

What are you worried about?” Eugene chuckled. He knocked on the table and said indifferently, Fuller and the others are next door.” 

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Immediately after, Eugene’s phone rang. The moment it was picked up, Eric’s loud voice boomed across the speakers. What are you two doing?! Why did you pull the power switch?” 

Eugene said, We didn’t touch the switch.” 

If it wasn’t you guys, then who-?Eric scratched his head. Geez, what should we do now? The doors of the laboratory are all electronically locked. How are we supposed to open the door now?” 

Eugene and Melanie looked at each other, their expressions slowly turning serious. The switch can’t be turned on again?” 

Of course not! It’s completed burned!” 


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