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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 601

Chapter 601 

The research studio had been renovated from a singlestory house with an area of a few hundred square meters. The two flashlights of the phones could only illuminate the area around the table

However, the surroundings were still dark

Melanie’s breathing grew rapid as she clenched onto the clothes Eugene threw over her. She tried to calm herself down

Eric shouted from outside, but soon, it was quiet again. He might have gone to get a locksmith over

Melanie heard herself speaking in a husky voice, Thanks.” 

She did not lift her head. All she did was look up

Eugene stood beside her as he looked at her and grunted softly

With the flashlights of the two phones, Melanie could see what was before her. However, she dared not look around. It was dark, and the light illuminating them looked strange in the dark

Melanie did not like being in this kind of abrupt situation. Adrenaline crashed through her

Something struck the door. It was not loud. Melanie and Eugene happened to be silently waiting, and Melanie was on full guard. That was why she caught the sound immediately

Melanie’s palms began to sweat. Immediately, Melanie looked at Eugene. Eugene shook his head as he stared at the door

The sound repeated a few times, and it was silent again. Melanie asked in a hushed tone, Is that Eric?” 

Eugene thought of the same possibility, but he was unsure. I’ll take a look.” 

Just as he was about to walk, his sleeve was being pulled by Melanie. He stopped and looked at Melanie, who was sitting

Unlike Melanie, who could not see clearly in the dark, Eugene’s eyesight had always been good. He could see Melanie’s pale face and nervous expression

His Adam’s apple rolled as he subconsciously spoke gently. It was as if he was coaxing Melanie, I’ll be back in a while.” 

Melanie did not loosen her grip. After a moment of silence, she got up. I’ll follow 

Chapter 601 



She had instinctively held onto Eugene’s sleeve. Melanie could not think much in such an environment

Subconsciously, she wanted to stay by something that made her feel secure

When she was about to get her phone, she noticed its battery had died. The flashlight that could illuminate a small area grew dimmer

Melanie froze. She could feel Eugene’s hand moving. The sleeve she had been grabbing onto was pulled out of her grip

Then, a warm palm held her hand

Eugene’s hand was a little rough. It rubbed against Melanie’s soft palm

Ignoring the flashlight, he asked softly, “Didn’t you say you wanted to follow? Take your phone with you.” 


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