What does Mrs Voss even mean? This is illegal, what they did to me and all these other "students" is illegal and they should be in jail for this.
My family will miss me, will wonder where I am. Didn't they think about that? Think that maybe someone's family is worried sick that their child disappeared and most probably went to the police by now.
I'm going to do something about this. I don't belong here, despite the kak that Mrs Voss told me.
"It's in your genes, "
Genes? It's in my fucking genes? Sure I don't know who my parents are. I mean I know their names and what they look like. I've seen them on pictures, they always looked so in love whenever they're together in shots. They received me at a young age, mom was my age when I was born, fourteen.
They say I look a lot like her, I don't mind when I hear that. Mom was very beautiful I have yet to see beauty compare to hers. She had that strong high cheekbones and small eyes, and she had that golden yellow healthy skin us coloureds are known for and beautiful long lustrous pitch-black hair.
And dad, he wasn't bad looking himself. He was tall, and like Cape Coloureds he didn't have front teeth. He was more brown than yellow and had big almond-shaped eyes. Aunt says all the girls wanted him when he was still alive but the love he had for mom made him blind.
But to say that they or at least one of them is a witch is a horrible thing to say. How dare Mrs Voss.
Okay, the way I came here was strange, very strange. I was sitting in front of the tv doing my homework when suddenly the whole house vibrated.
I freaked out, but I didn't scream or anything like that. Yeah, my eyes bulge from my skull but I was in shock. There aren't any earthquakes in Cape Town, so I didn't know what this could be.
My whole body was vibrating when suddenly a white light surrounded me and the next thing I know is that I am here.
"03 January 2015"
"Welcome to Meledsan Academy. I'm Mrs Voss, headmistress and this Mr Henley, headmaster."
The students have been waiting in the cafeteria for hours on end for something, anything because we were scared and nervous. Not all of us seemed unfamiliar with this place. Some seemed to be happy that they've received what they call around here, "The Calling, "
'Not many witches get them,' Margot told me as she gave me a mini-tour after Mrs Voss's welcoming speech.
'What do you and Mrs Voss mean? Witches? Warlocks, those things are fictional, '
Margot gave me a bright smile, revealing her big beautiful white teeth. She tucked her purple fluffy pen behind her ear so that it can rest between her ear and her red hair. "Tamzyn, isn't it?"
I nodded my head. I gave her my name not even five minutes ago.
'How did you come here, and since you came. What have you seen?'
I looked her in her big deep-set green eyes and shrugged.
I took this moment to look around me. Around the campus.
What I saw where many students and teachers, of course. Meledsan Academy is a busy place. Some students were flying on brooms, others were playing with wands that spat actual magic out. They seemed okay with this, this seemed normal to everyone here and no one was freaking out.
How could I have missed something so strange? I mean yeah we were stuck indoors and all these fictional things happened outside, but still, there should have been a sign or something.
I'm here and it's in my genes. My mom or dad or both was a witch. Who hides something so big from their family? Does my aunt know? Is my aunt a witch too?
I don't know, but what I do know is that this is way too much to take in. I can't with all this.
"So, the next few weeks is called the week of tests," Margot mentioned yesterday. "It is when we are being tested by Meledsan to see where we belong. Are we white witches or black,"
I looked at Margot and nodded my head. I had two things on my mind. One, how can Meledsan test a person? It's a place. Is Margot trying to say the ground I'm standing on is alive? I didn't want to ask her because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, so I asked her the second thing, 'which one are you?'
Margot chuckled, I loved how broad her mouth is and how wide it opens for her laugh. It makes it so much more precious than it is. No homo though ;)
"What do you think? Black witches are normally evil people, they wouldn't waste their time welcoming someone in,"
'Margot, I'm not a witch. This is a mistake,'
Margot gave me that broad smile and placed her large hands on my shoulders and sighed, 'I felt out of place the first time too. But you have got to trust Meledsan, it doesn't make mistakes. Now come, lemme take you to your new room,'
I have no roommates yet. My room is large, and there were four double beds in there. Already covered with black pillow covers and a white duvet. I chose the bed in the far corner. Each bed has a large brown bedside table with a dairy on it, this one I'm writing in right this moment. I'm not even sure why we are to use these books, but I'm gonna write about this weird journey for in case aunt Viv has questions.
Margot is to take me to a wand shop today because I need to start practising soon. She told me to wait for her outside by the fountain. The fountain is situated outside the main building of the academy.
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