I stood before the broom shop. It is a large shop and it had Turnilupo's broom hanging over the door. Her broom is the most magical broom ever created and very beautiful, it is smooth like silk and it not only looks like lavender but smells like it as well. Her full name is engraved on it in gold glitter and when she flies glitter falls from it with the strong scent of lavender.
I took a deep breath in and swung the double door open. The owner was behind the counter and grinned as I walked in. She seems friendly Mrs Lucas, waiting for me to make it up to her. "Kelsey, am I right?"
I nodded my head.
"Welcome to my broom shop. I'm Esma, the owner of this brilliant broom shop," bragged an elderly woman. She had white hair but her face wasn't so wrinkly, I reckon she's in her early sixties maybe mid, but she had the curvaceous body of a woman in her twenties.
Esma's brag wasn't even a lie either. There are many broom shops but none has The Turnilupo's broom hanging around. That's special since Turnilupo isn't just any witch, Esma's great-great-grandma made the broom, especially for Lupo. History says that she was the only parental figure in Lupo's life. Turnilupo was unbearable they say.
I walked up to Esma who guided me behind the counter by the till where I placed my school bag. I came here directly after school. She showed me the ropes and told me a bit about the different brooms and showed me where the different brooms could be found and then my day started. I am slowly becoming a woman and it was exciting. My first day wasn't exactly the best, it wasn't easy and I messed up orders a lot, the supervisor had to correct me constantly until I got a hang of it later on. Tomorrow will be better.
Tamzyn entered the house. She wore green overalls with black gloves. Her overall was covered in dirt and so was her forehead and cheeks. She took her boots off and the gloves and looked at me, a smile made its way on her face. She seemed thankful that she could get the yard looking great again. She says it's the only thing that makes her feel at home because back on earth she used to plant flowers and prune people's gardens for extra money. Something about her having magical fingers when it comes to plants.
"I made some tea,"
She nodded her head. "Thanks. Lemme just change my clothes,"
She went upstairs and I went outside to see what she did so far. She removed the wheat roots and all and cut and watered the grass. She said that she'll start early even though she was supposed to work tomorrow. Tomorrow she wants to start planting flowers and trees she told. She said she wants to plant a garden as well, it will be useful she told me and will do well since I do take Kitchenery as a subject so she'll make sure to plant herbs as well.
She returned from upstairs, this time wearing a floral dress looking like her old self. Her hair was nearly pulled to the back, opening her face exposing those high cheekbones of hers. She went with me into the lounge and three sugars into her tea with lots of milk.
"You have a lovely home. I have never seen a place this huge before,"
I chuckled. "Thanks. It gets lonely. Anyway, are you going to The Horror Ball?"
She took a sip and placed the cup down on the coaster and looked up at me. "I'm fourteen, so maybe next year,"
I giggled. I didn't know she was so young. Well, younger than me. I'm Fifteen so I get to legally go. "How about I get you a fake ID? But I don't think they'll check for any because you look of age,"
She bellowed, "not sure if I should take that as a compliment,"
I chuckled.
"No, but for real, Kelsey, that's wrong and illegal. We can't do that,"
I shook my head. "No one will know. Come on, it'll be fun. I know a guy, Billy, he'll totally help out. You must come, who else will accompany me?"
She didn't say anything like she was consulting herself on the matter. Then she sighed and rubbed her temples, "fine. Something tells me that there's no say I have anyway,"
I took a sip from my tea and nodded my head. "Nope. It will be epic and you'll thank me afterwards,"
I woke up Saturday morning feeling a whole lot better than the rest of all my mornings, it's just knowing that I'm not alone that calms my nerves. I'm afraid that dark witches could come at night and taunt me. That's all they ever do, taunt people. And it gets annoying but the more annoyed you are or the more scared you are, they love it.
Tamzyn was already up when I got downstairs and had prepared some pancakes for us. When I searched for her she was busy planting the seeds and flowers that she bought with her income. Which reminds me that I have got to pay her back, life is expensive here and she needs all the money she can get.
We didn't spend all day at home, of course, I took her to Billy's. I couldn't find him on Meledsan mainly because it's Saturday and so we had to go to his home back on earth. He lives in a small town called Crystal Moon, I've read about it in history. The town has ties to Meledsan since four of the Stones established it.
The portal had us land in the woods. Keeping it very safe. I've never been in Crystal Moon so our main focus was getting out of these woods especially since we don't know what's lurking in them. I had to pick up a stone and place sticks on it and do a spell. Tamzyn watched in awe as the sticks became one with the stone and became a navigator.
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