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The Witches novel Chapter 4

The voices called me. It has been trying to get me to go somewhere but I ignored them.

I've seen people in my dreams yelling at me, attacking me. Telling me to just follow the whispers.

But how could I?

I've decided to let my roommates know and after I told them what I'm going through, they all just looked at me.

"I think it's a ghost, " Aaliyah concluded. She nodded her head and looked over to Lily.

Lily was thinking, it was clear, "I have no idea what it could be. This is all of our first time living here. It could be anything. What I do know is that we should follow the whispers, "


"Focus, " advised Jade and looked at me with her big eyes. "Listen to what is being said, "

The other two nodded their heads. I closed my eyes and opened my ears. I wanted to hear what they say but I always just pick them up saying my name.

"... Tamzyn... Tam..."

I opened my eyes and looked at them, "I can hear them saying my name, "

"Try again, " Jade urged.

I focused again.

"Tamzyn... Are you there?"

"Um... Yeah,"

My roommates looked at me, but I could tell that they're not judging.

"Tamzyn, please help us. Please come here and help us,"

The whispers were soft, and the words were slurred. The voice belonged to a teenage girl, I presume. She sounded a bit scared or perhaps it was worried or lost.

"Where are you?"

I started moving. It was as if though I was being pushed gently by some force and I didn't resist. I let the gentle wind take me away and the others followed me. Lily as a cat.

We walked for five hours and reached empty land. There were a few trees and huge land of just neatly cut grass. There seemed to be a border of thick fog.

We looked at each other and walked up to the fog. Jade touched it, it was like a thick cloud wall that we couldn't penetrate.

"What is it?"

"Tamzyn. I'm right here,"

The girl said. Her voice didn't sound like a whisper anymore, she sounded like she was right here with us but we couldn't see her.

"Can you see me? I can see you, "

"Where are you?" I wanted to know and put my hand on the cloud wall.

"On the other side. I'm holding your hand,"

I looked at my roommates. "She says she's behind this wall,"

"How do we get her out of there?"

I shrugged. "How do we get you out?"


We waited. "I... I don't know. No one does,"

I looked at them again, "she says she has no idea how to get out. She doesn't seem to be alone in there,"

"We have no magic. We can't get them out of there,"

Lily nodded her cat head. "And we don't have to do anything either. We walked for hours on end and for what?"


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