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The Witches novel Chapter 6

Miriam. One of my favourite people in Meledsan so far. She has lots of stories to share and we listen to them all day long. She's never been on earth, shocking, to say the least, and it's on her bucket list.

School starts tomorrow so she sent Jade and I home earlier today, she says we need the extra sleep. Sweet.

We walked home.

Jade always had stories to tell. She told me about a time she and her friends robbed a bank back on earth. That's why I love hearing her stories. They're always so fun.

We heard the whimpering of an animal. Could be injured. We walked on the road on off the road was a forest. The sounds came from there.

"No, Tamzyn. I'm scared and cold,"

Jade said. Like she knew I was thinking of following the noise. "We'll then stay right here. I'll be back real soon,"

She nodded her head. I love how she knew that this is one of the cases where I wouldn't take no for an answer.

I jogged to the forest and didn't even walk long before I saw a strange blue light. I followed and there laid what looked like an injured wolf.

It nearly made my heart stop. Blue juice came from it, knowing this strange place it might be its blood. I rushed over to it and looked around for anything that I could find to stop the bleeding. There was nothing. So I tore a piece of my shirt and carefully wrapped it around it's hurt paw.

I looked at the wolf. It was a black wolf, but its skin was made from dark blue light. Like the one it's radiating and the colour of its blood. It has the same colour eyes and inside its ear is also dark blue. It's a strange creature, we don't have any of them on earth. Cool.

Its paw was hurt so it couldn't move. That's why I had to pick it up despite how heavy he is and carried him back into the part of town we reside.

I know there's a vet nearby. I've seen it so I took it to the vet.

"We'll take him. Fix him right up but that will be five bruowlings,"

The currency used here. Making money is so hard here. I only had five bruowlings left. I nodded my head and gave it to the woman. I think this is fucked. Can't put a price on health.

I waited awhile. Jade went straight home. Kids can get bored so quickly.

The doctor returned and explained to me that it got into a nasty fight. It wasn't too serious but it did break its leg. And that pain was excruciating. I asked the doctor what creature it is.

"A Tuhcan. It doesn't have a natural form but it often takes the form of a wolf, they're usually associated with warriors because they're always ready to fight and always there to protect and serve their master,"

I grinned. "They sound awesome,"

"They are," the doctor agreed, "they however hardly have masters because they're mainly free creatures who live in the forest,"

I nodded my head. I'll read up more about them, "are they allowed at the hostels?"


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