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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 16

Part 1 Killed by the king and luna

Mei's Pov


It was time for me to take action. I turned into wolf form and rushed down the stairs and out to the playing field where all our enemies were fighting with the alphas. I bit one vampire on its leg and brought it to the ground, then ripped its head off with one force, throwing it away from me as it landed in front of Nelly. She turned her head to look at who threw it and spotted me. Her eyes were wide open staring at me.


She shook her head, "no, you know you can't!"


I knew that I risked coming out here, knowing that I was pregnant, but I couldn't not help out. Ignoring her, I ran further killing a few vampires coming my way. I noticed more wolves were emerging from the packhouse and were joining in. My surroundings gave me more energy and will to continue fighting.


Lylah's POV


We stood our ground. Nelly fought the vampires that were approaching us with her magic and I chanted some spells giving the wolves more strength and faster healing power. Thankfully I managed to heal completely before Vivienne decided to come screaming at us in front of the packhouse, waking everyone up from their long-awaited sleep. I felt strong and ready for this and no one could stop me, not even my magic. I held my hand up high like I was in prayer and chanted loudly with my eyes looking at the stars that were now being slowly flushed away by the faint light of the rising sun. I looked back down at Vivienne, noticing that she was looking at the Alpha King and the pack's Luna, trying to plot a plan.


She was once one of us, leading a peaceful life with her very quiet husband. Her two daughters Sybilla twelve and Risa fifteen were also part of our coven and they still are loyal to us even though we got separated because of their mother. She only changed as time went by, and when her husband died in her arms due to a tragic accident, she turned into a horrible witch. She started to wear black from head to toe, chanting forbidden and forgotten spells. Vivienne became worse then Maleficent, the witch from Snow White and all of us witches decided to outcast her. She was no more part of our coven.


When she was told to leave she placed a spell on our leader Coleen and turned her into stone, still alive. I tried hard to bring her back and break the spell but it was to no avail. Unfortunately, her body died, not being able to eat or satisfy her thirst, but it remained preserved inside the statue.


Mei's POV


Luka spotted me in an instant. I think my scent gave me away. His wolf rushed to my side and together we continued to bring down more vampires tearing limbs and breaking bones. Vivienne started chanting and a ball of flame formed in thin air in front of her making her face glow, showing every detail of her features. Her brown eyes looking down at the flame as she circled her arms around it till it was large enough to her liking. She turned into our direction and pushed the fireball towards us. We both separated as it landed right in our spot. Luckily we acted fast and we managed to escape from it as it left a circle of burnt grass between us. It could have been our wolf's fur.


The second one, third, always aiming them at us. We were faster than her magic though and managed to escape each one. The more we ditched, the angrier she looked and she threw the fireballs with more force. It was time to bring her down for good.


With one look we acknowledged one another's thought. Both Nala and Simba ran faster then their heels could move and rose from the ground over the wolves and vampires, landing on the wicked witch's body, losing her balance and thrown into the floor with full force. We growled in her face showing her our sharp teeth, drooling with all the anger we had for her.


"You won't win this. No. Let me go!"


With one move we worked our way into her heart with our wolf's long nails, tearing her skin as she screamed with pain. I pulled it out with my now human fingers as I stood up naked with it on the palm of my hands still beating as blood dripped down my arm, falling on the soil and grass. Her body remained stiff on the floor with her eyes wide open. Nelly and Lylah rushed towards us and started to chant a spell and the witches heart turned to stone in a split second. I watched it change colour and stiffen as it slid down my hand and broke into christal looking pieces, hitting the ground.


The vampires that were too busy to notice their master die kept fighting the wolf packs.


Suddenly they all stopped and looked confused at each other. I could hear snarls and commotion coming from all direction and as the sun was now almost up they started to scream and were turning into ashes, one by one till it was just the wolves, Nelly, Lylah and the witch's dead body that were left outside the packhouse.


The air felt lighter as the pink sky turned blue, feeling the warmth of the sun hitting my naked body as it was now high up in the sky ready to face the day. A bunch of us were killed, but the fight was now over. The wolves started to howl as they turned into human form all enjoying the moment of victory except for the ones that were mourning their dead.


Luka's POV


This time I chose not to celebrate in respect for the dead and their family. Everyone tried to find each other and it hurt watching families getting heartbroken. I looked at Mei that was staring at the gory scene of dead bodies and blood everywhere, on the grass, soil, even on our bodies. Dad found his way to my side resting his hand on my shoulder looking content.



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