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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 17

"Say, something son. Please," father pleaded. All I could do was stare back at him.


I found myself in a roller coaster of emotions.


"Korine raised you like you were her son. You see, she was going to have a child a few years before we met but unfortunately, he passed away before he was even born. As soon as she saw you she instantly fell in love with you and you helped her find the light she once lost. She has asked me not to tell you the truth. To her you were hers. I accepted her request as long as she kept you safe. That is why I never told you the real truth. But now since she broke the one promise I asked of her, I had the full right to let you know. Both your parents are alphas son."


I looked at Mei still not knowing what to say.


"What promise?" I blurted out looking at him sternly.


"For her to live with you here and help you with your alpha duties until you find your mate," he explained.


"I am simply feeling numb. All these years I thought my mother was human. I am still processing all this. Dad. I need some time to take it all in." That is all I could say.


He nodded and stood up from the chair he was sitting on and moved it back in the corner where it was originally.


"I will give you two some space then," he said before leaving.


I held a strong fist and punched through the wall, screaming out with rage.


"Why? Why me? Why all this?!" I yelled.



"Lulu," Mei said faintly, looking weakly at me.


"Mei. Oh...My Mei," I started sobbing both with joy to hear her voice and sad at the same time for knowing that there was a secret kept from me once again.


I rushed to her side, held her hand, placing my forehead against hers. "I was so afraid of losing you."


She chuckled as I lifted my head to look at her face, admiring her natural beauty.


"You can never get rid of me knowing how stubborn I can be."


I stared at her for a moment, then laughed at her joke, making me feel more at ease.


"How long have you been awake?" I asked now as I realised she might have heard it all.


"Enough to understand your pain," she said with a weak voice.


She managed to lift her hand to my heart.


"I am always going to be here for you. Bring your father back. He saw me open my eyes before he left. He knows I am awake. But I need to have a word with him."


"I thought you needed some space princess, with your mate," he started walking in through the door.


Mei shook her head slowly.


"Welcome back. I believe you are Luka's father.....that makes you the previous alpha of the moonshine pack. The pack I was born in. I was too young to remember you but I heard stories of how good you were to us."


He sat down beside her and took a deep breath in.


"I remember you and your parents quite well. Your father was one of the strongest wolfs I knew," he said looking straight into her eyes.


"I was sad to hear that they were taken away from you. That is why we need to get rid of the vampires. They have done enough to....."


Mei held his hand as she noticed tears forming at the edge of his eyes.


"Help me sit up," she said gasping as she tried hard to lift herself on her own.


I was sitting down on the other side of the bed not saying a word and just listened to the conversation.


"We need to let them know that we are done with them," Dad continued saying as he sat back down.


"We will," she said looking at me trying to send me a non-verbal message by moving her eyes at dad and me before my father could see her. I nodded in agreement.


"I will protect everyone from harm. For now, the Vamps are dormant but they will soon wake and we need to be ready for when they return."


I looked at both of them with a serious look in my eyes.


"I do have a question though," Mei asked. "How are you alive when everyone thought you were dead?"


My dad smiled weakly at her as I could see he was trying to find the right explanation.


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