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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 19

I looked at myself in the mirror when I was alone in the office. I stared for a while feeling anguished by the fact that our Goddess was expecting too much of me.



I didn't want such power, yet I couldn't refuse the gift. It was for the best of the pack. I kept thinking that the meeting was not fully finished since it was interrupted by me.



I turned to sit down on the chair in front of the desk and looked at the map again. I wondered if there was any better way of handling it. We need more help for sure. I closed my eyes trying to remember what was said during the meeting. My father said I could mind-link with the alphas of the other packs, maybe I should try it out. The only problem is that I do not know who they are and if they would be willing to help.


Considering that vamps are everywhere around the world they would want to get rid of them too, but who knows if they would make an excuse.


Mei came in wearing a long pink transparent material dress that exposed her breasts. She closed the door slowly and locked it.


" Mei, you came in here like this? What if some other unmated wolf saw you?"



I looked at her up and down licking my lips feeling a stronger than usual sensation. The need to have her under my body was twice as much.



"Well, it is already past bedtime sweety. There is no one in the corridor."


she winked at me and slowly started to remove the dress seductively, curving her waste and her sexy legs until it fell on the floor.



I just watched and remained static on my seat waiting for her to come closer. She remained on the same spot as she teased me, touching herself. I motioned for her to get closer but with her index finger, she motioned for me to walk to her myself. My heart started to race as I felt my junk getting thicker. I walked towards her holding one of her hands softly as she gently put it against my chest.



I quivered under her warm touch. Every sensation was too much to handle. I started to breathe in her ears as I kissed her bare neck. I could tell she was in ecstasy just as much as I was. Our mate bond was intertwined.


I couldn't wait any longer to get into her cave. My eyes turned ice blue as I could feel the warm sensation in them. I removed my trousers and threw them away from us. I pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately combing into her hair. I could feel her heart beating fast as I reached for her n*****s giving each one a soft lick as they hardened against my tongue.


She moaned curving her back and it gave way for my arm to be wrapped around her waist. I pushed her against my bare body whilst turning around to move on the sofa. Her long beautiful hair fell softly to the side of the sofa as I gently rested her head down.



"Tell me, Luka, how much do you want of me?" She teased.


"Everything Mei. I want all of you."


I pushed my junk into her whilst we both released a moan feeling butterflies in our stomachs.


"I love you," I blurted out looking deep into her eyes.



She moaned loudly as she couldn't stop it from getting out. I was performing even better than usual.



"Oh goodness Luka. You feel different. Like stronger, even better than before."


She moaned loudly again not caring that someone could hear us.



"I, I lo, love you too, Luka," she managed to say before screaming out loudly.


We spent hours enjoying each other until we got tired. We ended up sleeping in the office until sunrise.


It took me a week to adjust to my new self. If I felt happy, I felt it twice as much, if I was sad, angry, excited, needy or any other form of feeling, it was double the norm. But it felt good to have such power and my new wolf was growing even stronger than before. I trained by myself daily, trying to brush up some good old tactics that I can teach the pack when we will officially start training to fight against the vamps.



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