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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 18

Part 1 Settling in

Luka's pov


Months have passed since the battle, and everything felt more at ease. The air was warmer around our packhouse and everyone looked happier. The usual routine was getting more and more familiar with the pack through some different activities were necessary to make life more interesting, so I asked Jake to help me in organising something for the coming weekend.


The day we settled back in our bedroom, I noticed the picture my ex-boss gave me. It was still on the dressing table where I left it. I took it and observed it intently but it was too blurry to tell what the camera managed to capture. Something told me that there was more to it, and so I felt the urge to investigate further. I knew that Mei hid the truth from me last time we spoke of it, but this time, I needed to persuade her to tell me all about it. Whilst she was brushing her long brown hair, I placed the picture on the dressing table in front of her and pointed at it.


"Well...you promised to tell me about it someday. I think I've waited long enough," I told her softly.


Placing down the brush back in its place, she took the picture and sighed whilst observing it intently.


"That is called an Aergon. It's not something of this earth but rather something from... Hell. Well, it was known to avoid reflections, including snapshots like this, hence the reason why it is blurred. It rarely resurfaces from it's hiding, yet when it does it brings terror to anyone that lays eyes on it. Most of the time it comes out at night to feed off people's fears. My suggestion is to avoid getting near it," she said turning her head to my direction.


"wow. That's great, just great..so, first a feud with the vampires, now, we have a demon on the loose!" I murmured snatching the photo of the dressing table, turning towards the bin.


I was almost going to throw it away when Mei stopped me, holding my arm from moving forward.


"I wouldn't if I were you. Keep it, just in case. Those demons hate photos, as I said. You can never tell when you need one."


She arched her eyebrows as she spoke, to make her point look more influential. She slowly took it and placed it in a box she keeps under her bed.


"Just in case. I'm safekeeping it," She explained, closing back the box, tucking it back under the bed.


"Aren't we going to chase it? I don't like to have such a dangerous creature around us, especially when this guy here joins our pack."


I grabbed hold of her belly with one of my large hands and rested the other one on her lower back.


Mei's POV


He was too close not to turn me on. His scent was too strong to suppress my need for him. I tiptoed to lock his lips against mine, holding each other into an embrace. We hadn't had time for each other ever since we were planning on getting rid of the bloodsuckers. He leaned me down on the bed gently, unzipping his blue hoodie, exposing his strong bare chest. I watched him get naked as I suppressed my lower lip between my teeth, feeling hungry for his love. His eyes fell on my exposed breasts as I started to unfold my curves slowly, allowing him to get as ravenous as I felt.


"Come here, baby. Come," I said using my sexy voice, motioning with my finger for him to get closer.


"Hmmmmm, you look... Stunning my love," he said using his deeper voice, arching himself slowly over my laid down body.


"Stop talking, and start working darling. You don't get paid if you don't work hard, you know that, don't you?"


I used my index finger to fake draw on his chest, moving over his tattoo, then wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him close to my chest. He started to kiss me all over, hitting the right spots, over and over again, as he moved his hand softly against my curves. He smoothly parted my legs to allow himself to get in between, thrusting his hardened part inside me. We were both in ecstasy, sensing every motion, intertwined in each other's bodies. Our breathing felt heavier as things got more intense until our bodies felt numb. I felt myself reaching sky-high as my body shook with all the passion, and soon enough he filled me with his seeds as he breathed against my neck. Our bodies fell on the bed, cracking up as we gazed into each other's eyes.


It was around noon when we heard a knock at the door. We were still naked, asleep in bed when I heard the door slightly open.


"Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry" is all I heard whilst I allowed myself to lift my head over Luka, to check who it was.


The door was already shut, the moment I managed to get up and out of bed. Luka was fast asleep and he didn't notice anything. I covered his body with the bedsheets and dressed myself up before opening the door slightly to check who tried to barge in.


"Hey, what is going on Steph?" I asked, closing the door behind me as I settled myself in the corridor.


"Oh my, that was so embarrassing, I'm sorry. I swear I won't...." I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was going to make an extra-long explanation just to try and justify herself.


"What do you want?" I mumbled urging her to be on point.


"Its, Well, we received a call from a human's old peoples home and they wanted to talk to Luka privately. They are still on the line waiting" she explained.


I stared for a moment, thinking of what I should do as I knew that it might be an important call regarding Luka's stepmother.



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