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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1010


Chapter 1010 

He could not contain the restlessness in his heart anymore and wanted to seek revenge against Norvin

Sect Master KleinAndrius calmed down a little and asked, Where’s Halle?” 

Since the incident already occurred, he had to take responsibility as a man

She’s in the adjacent room.Wade said honestly, Kate is providing acupuncture treatment for her. She should be fully recovered by tomorrow.” 

ThenAndrius asked, What about Luna? Is she okay?” 

He felt a bit guilty as he asked the question. His treatment with Halle most likely could not be hidden. from Luna. He wondered what she thought about it…. 

She’s in the room next door.” Wade pointed to another side and had a meaningful smile on his face, then said, However, she has locked herself in. Neither Kate nor I can get her to open the door.” 


Andrius instantly felt like his worst fears had come true. Luna was clearly upset

After all… 

No matter who experienced this incident, it would be difficult for anyone to remain calm no matter if they were a man or woman. Luna was already a role model among women for not crying or causing a scene

Andrius sighed, steeled himself, and headed to Luna’s room

Men have it toughWade watched Andriusback and suddenly let out a sigh

Knock, knock, knock- 

Luna, it’s Andrius.Andrius knocked on the door

However, Luna did not answer. She did not respond even after three knocks


Andrius decided to open the unlocked door

Luna was sitting at the head of the bed. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her tears were still wet on her face as her frail shoulders trembled. She was still deep in sorrow

When Luna saw Andrius come in, she immediately turned her head away and choked out, What do you 


Andrius knew he was in the wrong and hesitated. Luna, I” 

If you’re here to explain, you can leave now.Luna interrupted his words in a cold voice I don’t want to see you right now. I just want to be alone.” 


Get out!Luna once again interrupted him. Then, she stood up and pushed him out of the door, slamming it in his face with a loud bang

Andrius saw how angry she was and stood at the door helplessly 

After a moment, he sighed and returned to the living room to sit down and meditate He would wart for Luna to come out to explain to her again

Night fell, and the bright moon rose. It shone brilliantly with a slight chill in the air

Gradually, it was already past ten at night


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