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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1054


Chapter 1054 

After all, the Wolf King’s reputation was wellknown. Once he appeared in Bardan, it would undoubtedly draw widespread attention and ruin any element of secrecy

Outside the royal palace, Andrius submitted a letter of request he had written as a special envoy from Florence to seek a secret audience

The palace guard glanced at Andriusletter and returned it. “Sorry, you cannot enter the palace to meet the king.” 

Andrius was slightly stunned and asked, “Why?” 

Princess Yule is seriously ill. His Majesty is gathering renowned physicians from all over and is unavailable to meet you. At the earliest, you can enter the palace in seven days to meet His Majesty.” 

Seven days… 

That would be too late

Andrius hurriedly said, “To be honest, I have some medical knowledge and can handle various complex diseases. I can treat Princess Yule.” 

The guard glanced at him and had disbelief written all over his face

Due to Andriusidentity as a special envoy from Florence, the guard remained polite and said, Sir, I understand your urgency to meet the king. However, the princess’s illness is not something that anyone can treat. Please don’t make such jokes. If you’re truly capable, you may sign up as a physician.” 

The implication was to get Andrius to stop spouting nonsense. He would have gotten physical if not for Andriusspecial identity

Andrius was exasperated. Hiding his real identity brought so many problems

He sighed and asked, Can you at least tell me where to sign up?” 

At the entrance of the Royal Hospital. After signing up and being examined, if you pass the final test and emerge as the victor, you’ll have the chance to treat Princess Yule.” 

The royal guard did not think that Andrius had any real skills and shared the information without care


Andrius immediately headed to the entrance of the Royal Hospital

registration process was simple. He simply picked up a form, filled it, and handed it in

Andrius casually chose an impressive title for himselfDr. Providenceand submitted the form

However, because many people wanted to take advantage of the situation and earn medical fees, the hundred or so physiciansincluding Andrius had to undergo further evaluation inside the hospital

The first round of the evaluation is quite simple.” 

The examination proctor was the director of the hospital, Sergius. He looked at all the doctors and announced loudly, In the hall next door are over a hundred pregnant women. Each of you will be assigned to one. Your task is to determine if the fetus is a boy or a girl. If you correctly identify the gender, then you pass

Remember, you only have one chance. If you fail, you’ll be eliminated immediately. Let’s begin.” 

With that, the doctors were led into the hall and paired with a pregnant woman

The local doctors from Bardan and physicians who came from afar immediately used hightech methods to examine the pregnant women to provide answers. However, many of them who tried to take advantage of the situation were mercilessly expelled


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