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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1063


Chapter 1063 




The soldiersexpressions were grim, but there was no panic. They immediately raised their weapons and scanned their surroundings vigilantly


Swoosh, swoosh…. 

Sounds came from all directions

Then, bright green eyes appeared in their sights. They were the eyes of the snow wolves, shining with a cold, bloodthirsty light

Here they come!Lewis remained calm and ordered, Everyone, form a circle and defend from the inside out. You’re each responsible for your directions

As soon as the wolves enter the effective shooting range, kill them with one shot. Don’t give them any chance to breach our formation.” 

The snow wolves of Mount Valdez were known for their large size and their fierce and brutal nature. If they broke through the formation, it would be a bloody disaster

It was Andriusfirst time seeing these fearsome wolves

These wolveswere as tall as a person’s shoulders

Their sharp fangs and robust limbs made them exceptional predators

It was no wonder Koby was so concerned when mentioning them earlier


Bang, bang, bang


Swoosh, swoosh

As the wolf pack approached and entered the effective firing range, Lewis and the others pulled the triggers without hesitation

Their guns were specially designed. Although the snow wolves were powerful, one shot with specialized bullets was enough to kill them or incapacitate them

However, even though the soldiers hit their marks, and the bullets were useful, there were too many wolves. It was impossible to kill them all 

After hundreds of wolf corpses fell to the ground, the pack finally approached

Now, the ferocity of the mountain wolves became evident. Even when hit by gunfire, they could still pounce and bite, distracting the soldiers. As a result, many of them suffered injuries

This could not go on

hapter 106.3

If the entire pack rushed in… 

The warriors would be torn to shreds by these creatures

With that in mind, Andrius ordered, Everyone, step back slightly and tighten the defense circle. I’ll deal with them!” 

Then, he swiftly moved to the front


As he waved his hands, invisible inner energy surged to its peak. A powerful aura radiated from him, causing a chilling wind and snow to sweep through the area


The leading wolves were intimidated and began to slowly back away, letting out low growls

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was surprised at the power of the Wolf King. Even before taking action, his aura itself was enough to keep the snow wolves at bay

Maybe they would be able to pass through safely this time

However, just as Andrius thought that as well, a massive white figure rapidly approached. It moved so quickly that no one could see what it was

In an instant, it was in front of Andrius, revealing its sharp fangs and claws


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