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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1090


Chapter 1090 

In Hertan, after Marcellus got the news, he immediately informed Luna. Master! A message just came from Old Hagstorm. He has urgent matters to deal with and can’t meet with you. However, he learned about Andriuswhereabouts

Luna had a troubled expression. When she heard his words, she immediately said, Tell me.” 

Andrius is resting in a place called Immemoria Palace in Mount Valdez.” 

Immemoria Palace

Luna frowned. She had never heard of that place before


Master, Immemoria Palace is a mysterious hall on the western foothill of Mount Valdez. It’s not far awayabout half an hour’s walk along a fork in the road to Valdez Village.” 

Marcellus briefly explained the location of Immemoria Palace and asked, Shall we all go and see what the situation is?” 

Luna contemplated for a moment and raised her hand. No need. If you all go, it might make Andrius more cautious and unwilling to tell me the truth. I’ll go alone. That should be enough.‘ 

That’sMarcellus hesitated and said, Master, you haven’t eaten yet. How about having your meal first before looking for the Wolf King?” 

Luna had been rushing back and forth and was indeed a bit hungry, so she agreed

Not long after that, she finished her meal and set off alone for Mount Valdez, heading toward 

Immemoria Palace

Just as she reached the area around the western foothill, the sentries hidden between the snow and ice peaks noticed her

Thus, one of the sentries instructed the others to continue keeping an eye on her while he went back to report to the Insect Ruler

In Immemoria Palace, the Insect Ruler took a sip of wine and said in a low voice, Old Hagstorm, the situation has reached a critical moment. There must be no room for mistakes 

Otherwise, all our plans will be in vain. That is not the outcome I want 

The Insect Ruler spoke with a heavy tone

Old Hagstorm glanced at him and said faintly, Don’t worry, Insect Ruler I also don’t want the efforts we’ve put in to end up in vain. You and I have the same goal and are heading in the Same direction” 

The Insect Ruler’s tone softened considerably. He refilled his own cup and Old Hagstorm’s cup 

as well 

Then, he lifted his cup and clinked it lightly with Old Hagstorm’s In that case, let’s toast to a smooth journey and our success!” 

Old Hagstorm also raised his cup A smooth journey and our success!” 


Chapter 1090 

Just then, a shout came from the outside

Then, someone ran over to the Insect Ruler. He hesitated for a moment and glanced at Old Hagstorm by the side

Seeing this, Old Hagstorm snorted in dissatisfaction

The Insect Ruler frowned and said coldly, Old Hagstorm is one of us. If there’s something to say, then speak up. There’s no need to be secretive.” 

Yes, sir.The servant immediately said, Insect Ruler, just now, the sentries outside found Andriuswife, Luna Crestfall. She’s climbing up the western foothills of Mount Valdez. Judging by the direction, she seems to be heading to Immemoria Palace.” 

Luna Crestfall

The Insect Ruler’s eyes narrowed as a playful glint flashed on his face

Perfect. She’s arrived at just the right time. Hahaha-” 

He laughed and said to Old Hagstorm, I’m planning to use Luna to test Andrius and see if he’s sincere about cooperating. What do you think?” 


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