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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121 

Old Hagstorm and Old Ophis met those attacks. 

However, they had just battled the full-strength demon snake and were besieged by the Insect Ruler and numerous forebearer-level figures, so their remaining inner energy was not enough. They were clearly no match for three Martial Saints now. 

Soon, they were forced to retreat and almost reached the cave again. 


Just then, a vaguely familiar and mocking voice echoed from the 


It was the Insect Ruler who had followed them closely. 

After dissecting the important parts of the demon snake’s corpse, he left some for the remaining forbearers to prevent them from coming after him and then followed the two out. 

“Old Hagstorm…” The Insect Ruler looked at Old Hagstorm with a vague smile and said sinisterly, “Go on, run. Why aren’t you running now? After all your painstaking efforts, why stop now?” 

At those words, a cold gleam flashed in the Insect Ruler’s eyes. 

However, when his gaze fell on the demon snake’s heart in Old 

Hagstorm’s hand, it turned exceptionally greedy. 

“Insect Ruler…” Old Hagstorm also sneered. “I was just short one. 


“Unexpectedly, you dug up the previous Insect Ruler who had died for many years and should have long dissipated in this world. You’re truly a filial grandson who’s honored your ancestors!” 

Yes, the three experts blocking Old Ophis and Old Hagstorm were. previous Insect Rulers from the Murrfield cordillera. 

After their death, their descendants used mysterious methods to 

refine their corpses, ensuring they would not decay over time despite 

being buried in the earth for centuries. 

Unexpectedly, the Insect Ruler had sinister intentions toward his own 

ancestors. He used vicious methods to control the three corpses with 

insects, ‘reviving’ them for a short time and serving him as zombies, 

neither dead nor alive. 

The Insect Ruler remained unaffected by Old Hagstorm’s sarcastic 


He glanced at the three Insect Rulers and said with a smug expression, “These ancestors have died long ago and were buried in the ground. They would only rot away in the river of time. 

“I dug them up to make the most out of them and let them go out with a bang, for the sake of the insect path and the reputation of 


“They should be thankful to me.” 

Old Hagstorm instantly choked and shook his head in a ridiculing. manner. “I’ve never seen someone able to preach such 

shamelessness so righteously.” 

Old Ophis was much more concise. “Wow!” 

Chopp 112 

The Insect Ruler was not fazed by their words. He looked at Old Hagstorm coldly, a smile curling on the corners of his lips. “Old Hagstorm, it’s fine if you call me shameless, but if you dare to play tricks on me… 

“Today, I’ll make you pay a heavy price!” 


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