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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153 

“Wolf King!” Bradley’s face became rosy, and there was a hint of 

brilliance in his eyes. “Last night, several masked individuals suddenly 

came to the door. 

“They said they wanted to invite Ms. Gibbs to attend a banquet. 

“Ms. Gibbs has always preferred the quiet and did not like interacting with people. After the First War God passed, she became even more reclusive and rarely dealt with anyone, so she refused on the spot. 

“However, they forcibly took her away.” 

Masked individuals. 

A banquet… 

Andrius and Dax exchanged glances, feeling something suspicious. 

masked individuals were extremely powerful. Even though the ar God has become the Insect Soldier King, he was not their ch at all.” 

Bradley continued, “He was subdued in less than a round. I took advantage of them underestimating me and secretly used an insect. technique, increasing my strength significantly for a short period, and managed to escape with my life barely intact. 

“I know that their strength must have reached the legendary martial realm. Even if the entire Southern Wilds Prison mobilized its forces, it’s impossible to contend with them.” 

At that point, Andrius’ brows were deeply furrowed. 

Sure enough, they were martial realm experts. 

Fortunately, Bradley reacted quickly and was lucky, so he managed to 

save his life and leave a glimmer of hope. 

“Thus, I deliberately ran in another direction and hid in a cave. I can’t 


Saying this, he looked at Andrius with pleading eyes. 

However, Andrius saw that the light in his eyes was slowly dissipating. 

“Over the years…” Bradley said firmly, “Since the First War God captured me, I’ve realized the deep sins that I committed. I’ve never thought about leaving and just missed my family in Murrfield. 

“The First War God sympathized with me and granted me an opportunity to visit my family every year. 

“Ms. Gibbs is also kindhearted. She often instructs her subordinates to take care of my family, ensuring their prosperity and preventing them from being bullied. 

“I have never begged anyone in my life, but now… Wolf King, please. 

I’m begging you. You must… save… 

At that point, the light in his eyes quickly dissipated, and the color on his face also faded away, turning into a deathly gray. 

Then, he coughed up blood, and his body fell heavily on the bed, taking his last breath. 

Everyone in the room fell silent. 

Andrius’ expression was extremely solemn. 

The other party must be from the martial world if they were able to deal with an Insect Soldier King easily. This was a significant matter 

After a moment of contemplation, Andrius looked at Kelvin. “Dr. Leach, help check around the prison and see if you can find any traces of insects left by the other party.” 

“Got it!” Kelvin agreed and immediately went to handle it. 

After a while, he came back. 

He said with a disappointed expression, “Wolf King, forgive my limited abilities. The other party’s methods are too superior. They 

didn’t leave any traces behind.” 

Andrius could not help but fall silent. 


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