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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1166

Chapter 1166 

However, this was southern Florence where the temperature often 

reached over thirty degrees Celsius. Why would he feel a chill? 

Brandon felt puzzled. 

Thus, he glanced at Andrius and snorted in displeasure, “Wolf King, 

hurry up and stop dallying. Have you finished explaining everything?” 

Andrius did not speak and walked straight forward. 

“That’s more like it!” Brandon became arrogant again. Then, he took a pair of handcuffs from one of the mercenaries and snapped them 

onto Andrius, saying, “Don’t try playing any tricks. These cuffs are 

made of high-purity refined iron. Even a full-grown male elephant 

won’t be able to break free.” 

Andrius tested it out silently. Then, he nodded at the detained soldiers 

and said, “Can you release them now?” 

“Don’t worry, with a big catch like you, I’m not interested in those 

small fry!” Brandon replied and then said to the mercenaries, “Release 

the trash. They’re worthless trash. Let’s go!” 

Then, the mercenaries slowly released the soldiers, and the group of people boarded the helicopter. 

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh… 

The sound rang out, sending gusts of wind flying. 

The helicopters ascended. 

Chapter 1166 


Brandon looked at the shackled Andrius and could not hold back his 

grin. “I never expected the mighty Wolf King of Florence would fall 

into my hands. Hahahaha…” 

Brandon burst into arrogant and triumphant laughter. At that moment, 

he was like a winner, assuming a condescending posture. 

“Remember how loud you’re laughing now. You’ll be as miserable 

later,” Andrius raised his eyes and looked at him calmly, speaking 

with indifference. 

“Huh?” Brandon seemed to hear an unbelievable joke. 

He glanced at Andrius, then said disdainfully, “What? Do you think 

that dog Dax will dare to launch missiles while you’re still here? 

“He wouldn’t dare! Once I fly out of Florence’s airspace, he won’t b 

able to deal with me! How will I be miserable?” 

Just as he spoke, a strange change occurred. 


A slight sound came, and the specially made handcuffs shackling Andrius shattered, breaking into pieces, and falling to the ground. 

Even an elephant would find that refined iron sturdy. However, for a martial realm expert like Andrius, it was like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, absolutely effortless. 

“You! That’s impossible!” 

Seeing this, Brandon was so frightened that he instinctively reached for his gun. 

Chapter 156 

However, how could his speed compare to Andrius? 


Before he could draw the gun, Andrius already grabbed him by the 


With his strength, he could easily twist off Brandon’s head. 


Bang, bang, bang! 

Seeing the situation turning bad, the mercenaries immediately picked 

up their guns and aimed them at Andrius, firing a barrage without 



When the bullets reached almost half a meter from Andrius, they were all deflected by powerful inner energy. 


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