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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168 

The group followed the direction Brandon mentioned and soon. 

arrived at a small mountain. 

On the mountainside sat a small wooden house. Although it was well hidden, it could not escape Andrius’ sharp eyes. 

Thus, the group immediately climbed the mountain in the direction of 

the wooden house. 

After a while, the house stood clearly in front of them. 


Andrius walked forward and pushed open the somewhat aged door. 



Whoosh, whoosh…. 

As soon as the door opened, a swarm of insects flew out. Some were malevolent and bloody, and others were as fast as meteors. The insects approached fiercely as if they intended to engulf Andrius on 

the spot. 

“Hmph! So it’s you causing trouble!” Andrius snorted coldly and immediately used his insect technique to summon numerous insects. 

The next moment, the insects on both sides engaged in battle. 

Due to Andrius needing to conserve his strength and being unable to 

energy, the insents ihsenin he summoned were only of average nd were suppresseby sed by the opponent. 

insects fell, the coumicountless insects from the other side. vard Andrius after elianten eliminating the obstacles. 





Andrius could only gather interinner energy and slapped a palm e densely packed insectsintheysw they were instantly annihilated, he ground like flies. Thes 

Andrius did not feel well. This moves move aggravated his 

jjuries, and he spat out a mouthful of beat of black blood. 







‘s instantly widened when she saw this scents scene. 


rge of energy spread out with her as the corehelizare, filled with 

nt which seemned to split the clouds in the sky the sky. 


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gnesting deep in the mountains were also disturbed, ormed, crying dilapped their wings and flew away into the distance.stance. 

Sheral St 

nadina dad already transformed into a streak of light, of light, 

“Luna, “L 

on the for the masked individuals who were controlling theling the and up 

Firstly. Fil 

behind be 

pssomed somedan mid-air, sending shivers down one’s one’s SecondSe 

spine. Just its appearance induced dizziness and disorientation, as if facing great terror or a catastrophic event where one could not muster any strength or find the will to resist. 

It was the unsheathing of the Sanguis Blade! 


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