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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174 

The plane soon landed in Sumeria

Andrius did not stop thinking about this matter for even a second. However, no matter how he thought, he could not come up with an effective solution

Sure enough, he could not do anything unless he was strong enough

HubbyLuna saw Andriusdistracted expression and suggested, Don’t think too much about this. When we find an experimental base, we’ll completely destroy it! As for the ministers in Kiyoto, we can just kill them all!” 

You don’t understand, Luna.Andrius shook his head. These experimental bases are connected to prominent ministers in Florence. Each of them holds a high position and wields significant power. Killing one or two may not be a problem, but if we kill them all, it’ll raise the othersalertness

They’ll unite and stage a coup in Florence, causing destructive consequences for the current situation in Florence

Moreover, they’ve already joined forces to accuse me in front of the emperor. They may have been conspiring in secret for a long time.” 

In the end, Andrius frowned and sighed. This matter is far more complicated than imagined.” 

Luna did not speak. However, when she saw Andriusworried expression, her heart ached, and her determination to act on behalf of Andrius became stronger! No matter which socalled influential minister dared to harm Andrius, she would take their lives and uproot them mercilessly

Andrius sensed the fleeting murderous intent, and his worries deepened

The matter of the experimental bases had not been resolved, and Luna had 

become increasingly inclined toward anger and violence by the influence of the demon snake’s power…. 

What a difficult situation

Of course, he did not know what Luna was thinking

On the way to the Royal Gardens, Andrius thought for a long time and finally made a decision

He called Kate. Kate, I need the help of the Medicine Sect. Can you ask the Sect Master to come to Florence as soon as possible?” 

Andrius had a preliminary idea and needed the Medicine Sect’s power


On the other end of the phone, Kate was quite happy to receive a call from Andrius and said truthfully, What is it? You can just tell me directly

Ever since we returned from Mount Albus last time, my grandfather has gone into seclusion. Now, I’m fully in charge of all matters in the Medicine Sect.” 


Wade had been in the late stage of Martial Emperor for many years and was close to breaking through to the Martial God realm. Was he about to break through now

The Ancient Martial Assembly just passed, and then there was the recent trip to Mount Albus

Andrius was curious and asked, Why did he suddenly go into seclusion?” 

I don’t know either.” 

Kate’s answer brought Andriusthoughts back to reality

Andrius paused for a moment and said, Since the sect master left you in charge, I need you to come to Sumeria. We’ll discuss the details when you arrive.” 

Kate agreed. Sure, I’ll set out as soon as possible.” 

After hanging up the phone, Andrius called Dax. Dax, come to the Royal Gardens. tomorrow morning. I need to discuss what we’re going to do about the insect soldier experimental bases.” 

Got it.” 

The next morning, the sun rose

Chapter 1175 

The winds were cold

Kate and Dax arrived at the Royal Gardens almost at the same time

You’re here.” 

Andrius greeted them briefly and explained the situation to Kate, The Insect Ruler has built many insect soldier experimental bases in Florence. Young adults are captured from time to time and turned into insect soldiers, then are transported to Murrfield

Now, no one knows how many insect soldiers have been accumulated. Just the number of experimental bases within Florence is astonishing

If we don’t eliminate this problem, a disaster will be imminent

However, there are prominent ministers behind these bases, and these


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