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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188 

As he spoke, he looked at Noir, who was disguised as a guard

Noir immediately understood and stepped forward, saying loudly. Please give me your orders!” 

Good, good, good!Richard was so angry that his expression almost turned. black, and he said goodthree times in a row. His eyes stared at Noir like a fierce. beast. Then, I’ll test you. However, there’s a saying in Florence: a fist does not have eyes. You’d better be careful!” 

His words meant to say that even if he beat the guard to death or crippled him, it would be entirely the fault of Noir’s lack of strength. It had nothing to do with him

Richard was about to explode with anger. He had already fantasized about tormenting Noir to death, so he spoke up to mentally prepare Noir


Noir grinned and did not respond. Under the sunlight, his white teeth sparkled with brilliance



The two immediately took their stances

Richard stood five meters away from Noir, constantly moving back and forth and adjusting his posture

On the other hand, Noir stood lazily in place, exuding a nonchalant aura. It was as if he did not care about this battle which concerned the glory of the 

Lycantroops seriously at all

It was just a piece of cake

The two figures, one tall and one small, formed a stark contrast. Under the sunlight, their shadows stretched long


Suddenly, Richard moved. He charged with large steps, seeming to be imposing

In just a second, he rushed to within a meter of Noir and clenched his large fist, aiming it straight at Noir’s face


Just as the fist was inches from Noir’s face, Noir suddenly moved. His body tilted backward slightly, and his right hand gripped Richard’s fist like a dragon’s claw, pulling it back forcefully

Richard could not exert his force and lost his balance, immediately stumbling forward

Noir kicked him in the buttocks


The next moment, Richard fell flat on the ground

Noir easily won after just one round of the fight

Ow, ow, ow, ow” 

Richard climbed up in rage and embarrassment, about to pounce again

Enough!Alexander could not bear to watch any longer. He stopped Richard and reprimanded him, Don’t be a sore loser. A gentleman should act like a gentleman.” 


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