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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197 


His hand holding the ointment was trembling, and the ointment that should have been applied to her shoulder ended up on her cleavage instead… 

This time, they were both embarrassed

Noir turned as red as a tomato

A moment later, he snapped back to his senses and tried to pull his hand away, but the girl’s small hand held it down

Just as Noir was panicking, the girl suddenly leaned into his ear and asked in a silky voice, How does it feel?” 

Noir’s brain had already shut down, and he appeared in a daze, “It’s soft.” 

The girl asked persistently, Is that all?” 

It’sit’sNoir choked and blushed. It’s squishy!” 

Although nothing really happened during this dressing change, it left the innocent Noir blushing and feeling stirred up for quite a while. It took half an hour to finish applying the ointment

After it was done, Andrius returned to the room. He glanced at the two and fixed his gaze on the beautiful girl

Tell me. Who are you, why are you being chased, and who are the people chasing you?” 

Since they were now involved in this matter, Andrius wanted clear answers

Knowledge was power. He could not afford to be caught off guard when the other party came knocking on the door

IThe girl hesitated and said, Thank you for saving me, esteemed people of Florence. But forgive me, I can’t reveal my identity. I just hope that you can take me to Yuridge Peak in the Arbeis mountain range.” 

That place was where her sister’s trusted followers were stationed. It was the safest place at the moment

When Andrius saw that she was unwilling to tell the truth, he narrowed his eyes into slits and said calmly, I’m afraid I can’t agree to that request.” 

Chapter 1197 


The auction was about to start. Andrius did not want any complications

Noir hesitated to speak, but in the end, he sighed and did not say anything

The girl’s eyes dimmed

NoirShe said to Noir, Give me back my things. I’ll leave on my own!” 

Noir fell silent and handed over a package

The girl opened it and checked it carefully, making sure nothing was missing

Suddenly, something caught Andriusattention. It was a jade token, exquisitely crafted with a vivid rooster totem engraved on it. If it were any other country, such a strange totem would never have appeared

However, Flandom was different. In Flandom, the rooster was a sacred totem that only the royal family was qualified to use

He remembered what Anna said earlier about a nineteenyearold Flandonian girl who was the queen’s younger sister… 

The identity of the girl in front of him became clear


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