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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217 

It’s okay, it’s okay!Noir patted her shoulder lightly, then thumped his chest and confidently declared, “No matter what happens, I’ll take care of it for you!Andrius rolled his eyes

This guy turned into a simp so quickly

However, at this point, Andrius did not think much about it. The auction was still ongoing after all

After another four or five items, it was finally time for the grand finale

Ladies and gentlemen… 

The beautiful host smiled

Three ladies gracefully approached, each holding a tray covered with a red veil that concealed the contents

Then, the host lifted the veils, revealing three boxes of identical shape and size. The only difference was that each box had a different number

This is the highlight of this auction.The host introduced in detail, This is a rare medicinal herb from the Arbeis mountain rangethe Dragon Flame Lotus. Due to it growing in extreme cold, it possesses extraordinary medicinal 


However, due to its extreme rarity, it will be auctioned off using the blind box format

In other words, one Dragon Flame Lotus is in one of these three boxes while the other two boxes contain slightly less valuable but still considerable treasures

If you want to secure it, just bid on all three boxes and you won’t go wrong. If you want to try your luck, bidding on one blind box gives you a onethird chance. The decision is up to your strength.” 

After explaining the rules, the host surveyed the audience and continued with a smile, The starting price for each blind box is two billion, and each bid must be at least fifty million. Now, let the auction begin!” 

As soon as she spoke, an unexpected silence filled the room

Everyone knew that this item would undoubtedly start a fierce bidding war. Whether they could win depended on their individual strengths, so no one rushed forward like before

Chapter 1217 

Except Andrius

He stood up, looked across the room, and boldly declared, I’ll buy it now. 2.1 billion!” 

His words immediately caused all the eyes in the venue to turn to him. In auctions, if one was confident in their strength, they could offer a buy it nowprice

HissSomeone actually dares to offer a buy it nowprice in the Fierde Auction House. This Florencian is really confident!” 

I haven’t seen anyone try that in a long time. Hopefully, it’ll make things more exciting.” 


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