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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224 

Retrieving the treasure was indeed better with fewer people

However, the three of them would probably be under tighter surveillance, making it more difficult to accomplish the task

Andrius thought about it and said, Noir, contact the Lycantroops HQ in Florence and see if there are any fugitives from Florence who have escaped to Flandom.” 


Noir was confused for a moment but quickly understood

Using fugitives for this kind of thing was indeed a good idea. Not only would it keep them from being closely monitored by Richard’s people, but also avoid criticism if the mission succeeded

Okay, I’ll ask right now.” 

Noir immediately made a call to the Lycantroops HQ

A moment later, he hung up the phone and grinned at Andrius. There is, Andy! A few years ago, a famous mercenary group called the Arctic Fox Mercenary Corps appeared in Florence. They looted many treasures within Florence’s borders. Over the years, they’ve accumulated countless wealth and even alarmed the fake emperor at that time

He dispatched the Second War God to pursue them, but the attempt ended in failure. In the end, the matter was set aside. Now, the news says that Arctic Fox is currently staying in Flandom

According to the base address described on their official website, they’re on a secret location on Mount Kiro, less than fifty kilometers from the capital of Flandom.” 

The Arctic Fox Mercenary Corps… 

Andrius knew about them

Back then, the mercenary group was arrogant and made videos every time they committed a crime, provoking Florence authorities

The Second War God worked together with the Central Warzone to capture them, but they ultimately failed and were mocked for a long time

Unexpectedly, Andrius would have to deal with them in Flandom a few years later

Okay!Andrius narrowed his eyes and said, Let’s go with them.” 

Chapter 1224 

Noir immediately found the contact information left by the mercenary corps on their official website and quickly got in touch

Andy, the leader of the corps, Arctic Fox, said that we have to go to their base on- Mount Kiro if we want to work together.” 

Mount Kiro

Andrius nodded. There’s no time to waste. Let’s go now.” 

Half an hour later, Andrius and the others made some preparations and arrived at Mount Kiro


The guards at the entrance pointed the dark muzzles of their guns at them, blocking their way

This is the base of the Arctic Fox Mercenary Corps. Who are you people and what. business do you have here?the leader asked cautiously

Noir took out the agreedupon token and explained. I’m Noir, the one your boss agreed to meet. We’re here to discuss cooperation.” 

The guard captain glanced at the three of them and said indifferently, According to the rules, a body search must be conducted before you enter the base. Hands up, please.” 

As he spoke, three guards approached with guns

Andrius smiled slightly and shrugged, indicating they could proceed as they wanted

the guards used a sophisticated device to scan Andrius from head to toe. There were no special findings apart from a silver needle

In Flandom, a silver needle was not a powerful weapon, so the guard returned it to Andrius, indicating that he had passed the check

Noir’s body search also went smoothly


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