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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236 


Just as Andrius finished speaking, Noir and the dozens of elite Lycantroops soldiers behind him all released their auras

They were all heavy as a mountain. When they converged together, they were capable of shaking the heavens and earth, and even the universe

Their auras continuously struck Alexander’s nerves

His expression remained indifferent, but various thoughts were already brewing in his mind as he weighed the pros and cons

Now was the most critical moment for his family’s centuryold plan. There was no room for error. Otherwise, the hundred years of foundation and planning would be destroyed in an instant

If that happened, he would become the sinner of the family

Wolf King!” 

While Alexander was contemplating, Richard was infuriated by Andriusimposing aura and said rudely, This is Flandom, not Florence

The camp of the Knights of Death isn’t someplace you can search whenever you want. Do you really 

think that I” 

Before he could finish, Alexander interrupted with a loud shout, Shut up!” 

Richard saw the furious expression on his father’s face and choked on his words. He reluctantly stepped back and lowered his head, the fierce light in his eyes overshadowing everything. 

Wolf KingAlexander said apologetically, I’m very sorry about the hijacking and emergency landing of Florence’s transport plane in Flandom

Since you have already found some preliminary clues, I can agree to let you and the Lycantroops enter for a search. I hope that you’ll soon find the crew members and ensure the safety of the lives and assets of Florencians in Flandom.” 

That was the decision that Alexander had to make

The only harm in letting Andrius search was the loss of his dignity. However, once their plan succeeded, the family would rise to dominance. Who would dare to say anything about them then

In the end, the family plans and interest took precedence over everything

FatherRichard bit his lip until it bled, speaking with hatred. He was anxious and wanted to stop everything from happening

However, before he could speak, Alexander shot him a chilling look. Shut up!” 

Chapter 1236 


Richard shivered from the glare and could only close his mouth

The matter was settled

Andrius looked at Alexander and said, Thank you. Noir, go check all the hiding places thoroughly. Also, to avoid unnecessary trouble, you can have members of the Knights of Death accompany us

The Lycantroops of Florence are undefeated in a hundred battles and disdain prying into the military secrets of foreign countries. We will maintain the dignity we should have.” 

Noir puffed out his chest and replied, Yes!” 

Then, under the accompaniment of the vice commander of the Knights of Death, Noir and the 

Lycantroop elites entered the camp

Wolf King, why don’t we take a short break in the nearby room?Alexander extended an invitation 

to Andrius

No need,Andrius calmly refused


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