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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1240

Chapter 1240 


Andrius took out a silver needle and began treating Margerina

Although the poison in her body was terrible, it was relatively simple compared to the various toxins in Florence

Silver lights flickered as the needles were inserted into her body

One after another, they formed a winding dragon on Margerina’s body

Andrius flicked the needles with his fingertips lightly, producing a buzzing sound, and black smoke emanated from the tip of the dragon’s head

Margerina’s complexion gradually changed from pale to rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye


After a moment, Margerina opened her eyes and spewed out a mouthful of black blood, expelling all the toxins from her body

Margerina! My sister, you’re finally awake!” 

Seeing this, Katalina rushed forward and threw herself into Margerina’s arms

Upon seeing Katalina approaching, Margerina could not help but embrace her emotionally. Oh, Katalina, my dear sister” 

Ever since Alexander launched the coup and captured Margerina, she had given up hope of reuniting with Katalina ever again. Unexpectedly, she was saved and could see her sister again

What a wonderful feeling

This is greatKatalina, I thought that” 

Don’t say it, Margerina. Everything will be okay!” 

The two sisters hugged each other and cried


After a while, Katalina suddenly recalled something and brought Margerina to Andrius, introducing, This is the Wolf King of Florence. He was the one who saved me and rescued you from Richard’s clutches. He also treated the poison in your body. He’s our savior!” 

Margerina looked at Andrius

Then, after exchanging a glance with Katalina, she suddenly knelt in front of Andrius

Wolf King, thank you for saving our lives. We can never repay you enough, but we will do our best even if it means becoming your servant or your slave!” 

Chapter 1240


Becoming a servant or slave… 

Andrius could not help but feel embarrassed

Katalina might end up with Noir in the future. What kind of situation was this

Get up.Andrius used inner energy to lift the two girls and said nonchalantly, You’ve also helped me a great deal, so don’t worry about it.” 

If not for the hidden treasure, Andrius would have had to go through much more effort to secure the three blind boxes. Thus, this was a winwin situation. There was no need for excessive gratitude

Seeing that everything was settled, Andrius was eager to check the legendary Dragon Flame Lotus and its effects. He instructed, Noir, you take care of them. I have something else to do.” 

Noir readily agreed. Nothing will go wrong with me here, Andy!” 

Andrius nodded and returned to his own room where Old Hagstorm was already waiting

Andrius, I bet you can’t wait any longer.Old Hagstorm laughed and opened the three blind boxes


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