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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257 

She had a feeling that the lamia was about to reveal something groundbreaking

The lamia looked at Luna’s eager eyes and smiled. What is your name, girl?” 

My name is Luna Crestfall.” 

LunaThat’s a good name. I’ll call you Luna.The lamia nodded and began to tell, Luna, the origin of the Lamiai clan is from a hidden history many years ago.” 

At those words, Luna could not help but straighten up

A long, long time ago, there was an unparalleled Martial Saint who had been stuck at the ninth Divine Step for many years. She wanted to comprehend the final mystery and break through the constraints of the Martial Saint realm to enter a brand new world

However, the breakthrough was too difficult, and she was unsuccessful for many years. As the end approached, she suddenly had a groundbreaking idea

While humans are the most intelligent among all creatures, their lifespan is comparatively short, often not exceeding a hundred or few hundred years, unlike other species

Thus, she thought: if she could combine herself with a demonic creature, would it bring about a breakthrough in lifespan, strength, and ultimately the breakthrough of the final realm?” 

Luna’s mind surged like a mighty wave

A human combining with a demonic creature… 

It was indeed a thought that few would dare to think of, let alone act upon! Finally, after countless experiments and failures, she encountered a tremendous turning point and successfully fused with a demon snake. After many experiments, she summarized the experience of fusing with the demon snake and greatly increased the success rate

Thus, the first Lamia was born.” 


That was how they originated

Luna digested the information for a moment and asked, You mentioned something about the Martial Saint’s Ninth Divine Step. What did that mean?” 

The martial realm was split into Martial Lord, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial God, and Martial Saint… 

However, the ninth Divine Step was beyond Luna’s knowledge

Luna, you should know that Martial Saint is the pinnacle of the martial realm.” 

Luna nodded slowly

The lamia continued, Once an expert reaches the pinnacle of the Martial Saint realm, they’ll enter a transitional stage known as the Divine Steps!” 

Divine Steps?Luna repeated the words, feeling an inexplicable heaviness

Yes, the Divine Steps!” 


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